Rise and Fall

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~Chapter 6~ .:Rise and Fall:.


I made a face,"She fainted once again", I then looked at her peaceful looking face and decided to give her a piggy back ride. I mean I bet she looooves piggy back riding. Especially me, her wanna be boyfriend.

-Naruto's POV-

Hinata and I arrived to school pretty early. So I've decided to hang out under the cherry blossom trees until sleeping beauty wakes up.

I placed her besides me and let her heads lightly lean on my shoulder. Cute! I get to be her pillow!

Instead of looking at the cherry blossom petals falling, I stared at Hinata, for what it seems, a very long time. I then lightly caressed her soft cheek which made me wanted to kiss it again.

She lightly flinched and I pulled my hand away as quickly as I could. Her pearly eyes began to shine once her eyes were fully opened.

I grinned. For some reason I felt that I was lucky to have such a beautiful girl as my girlfriend...well soon to be.

Hinata turned to face me,"N-Naruto-kun?"

I grinned again,"Good morning, Hinata-chan!"

She smiles,"Good mor-...did I faint on you?"

I laughed sheepishly,"Yeah, you did, but I piggy backed ride you here! That doesn't bother you does it?"

She blushes furiously,"Sorry for the trouble, Naruto-kun! And no it doesn't bother me, I should rather thank you or else we could have been late to school"

I just stared at her. I've never noticed how pretty her voice is like when she's not stuttering. Her voice sounds like the....eh...what was that called again? Oh yeah the harp! Hinata's voice sounds like harps in my ears.

-Sasuke's POV-

My gang and I had a meeting that was taken place before school. What was unusual is that Neji was late.

I lit my cigarette and puffed out smoke,"Gaara, do you have an idea of where Neji is?"

Gaara is one of my first member of my gang. We both had the same goal which was to kill anyone of our dislikes. We both disliked this world and we wanted to change it. Thankfully, there were others out there who thought the same thing and joined us.

Gaara nodded,"There's a possibility that he may be with that girl he usually bothers"

I sighed,"He probably asked her out.", I puffed out more smoke,"hopefully his girlfriend won't interfere with our job"

Gaara nodded again and coincidentally, Neji came along with his girlfriend, Tenten.

I smirked,"Nice of you to drop by early Neji. Who's this? Another one of your toys?"

Tenten flinched at the thought and looked at her feet.

Neji glared,"Shut your mouth, pretty boy. I'm leaving the gang. I've figured that Tenten is my true fate and not your goal"

I smirked and puffed out more smoke,"That's heartbreaking. Let me just tell you one thing; if you are leaving to go against me, your life would be over in the matter of seconds. Consider yourself warned."

Neji nodded and had his and Tenten's back towards me. I then threw my cigarette at Tenten. As I expected, Neji caught it before it could even touch a single strand of Tenten's hair.

I chuckled,"Well done, pearly"

Neji ignored and quickly ran off with Tenten.

-Hinata's POV-

I stared at Naruto-kun when he started to stutter about something. Was he mocking me?

I continuously stared at him then looked down,"Naruto-kun, are you making fun of me?"

He immediately stopped stuttering,"No! Hinata-chan! I-"

I arose and smiled at Naruto-kun,"I-I have to go now" I ran off. Hoping not to feel Naruto-kun's presence.

I ended up leaning against the wall inside of the school building. I cried to what it seemed like hours. I cried because I felt that once again, someone laughs at my personality. I'm too quite. I have weird eyes. More importantly, I stutter. Being with Naruto-kun made me so happy. I was able to overcome my fears until now.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulders then I looked and smiled as brightly as I could,"Good morning Sakura-chan!"

She gave me a serious face in return,"Who did it?"

I looked away,"It's okay, Sakura-chan. It's not important"

She yelled,"Of course it's important. Whenever you cry you never tell me what's wrong so I ignore you. Right now I'm not in the mood to ignore you! I want to help you! Tell me who made you cry!"

I flinched then I gave up. I told her everything.

She hugged me,"I won't let anyone bully you. I'll pay Naruto a visit"

"There's no need to" I then hear the voice I didn't want to hear.

"Naruto-kun..." I whispered.


Yay! I think you should vote or comment ;) lol nah you don't have to. Anyways I thank those who really love my story and I will continue writing until the end...maybe.

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