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~Chapter 17~ .:Fear:.


"Ah. Anyways, Sasuke, I need your advice!"

"I know"

"What?! You do??"

He smirked,"yep, now why don't you just make yourself at home while we plan"

"Plan? I'm so confused?"

"You should be", he smirked.


Ino's POV

I know dragging my heartbroken friends into a club is not that good of an idea but I'm sure dancing will make their minds refreshed.

I mean, I'm heartbroken myself but I want to be seen as a strong person. I don't want to be depressed because of one person who brought me down. I believe that being strong and fighting against your weakness will make you stronger than you are now. I want to do the same thing to my best friends. They all mean so much to me they don't even know it.

I stood by the door of the club waiting for everyone. I looked over the street and saw Sakura with her exotic clothes.

I whistled,"You look good, Sakura"

She blushed,"I'll kill you Ino. You know I have a boyfriend!"

"I know but I have a bet to place on Tenten and Hinata", I said with a pleased smirk on my face.

Sakura rose an eyebrow,"In a club?", looking at me with an unpleasant look.

I nodded as glanced behind Sakura to find Hinata running while she held Tenten's hand.

Hinata reached us and spoke with out a breath,"s-sorry, Ino-chan. Tenten wouldn't come out of her house...huff huff...so I had to bring her here by force"

I looked at both of their clothing and frowned,"You guys aren't wearing the type of clothes I asked you to"

Tenten spoke,"Do you really expect me and Hinata to wear clothes like that?", pointing out Sakura's clothes.

I sighed and shook my head,"Oh well, let's get in the club, shall we?" I skipped to the entrance with a big smile while the others slowly walked in with no enthusiasm.

I looked behind my shoulder and saw everyone gathered around a table.

I pouted and walked toward the table,"Are you guys not going to dance?"

They all gave out useless excuses;

Sakura said,"I got a boyfriend"

Hinata said,"I'm afraid...what if Neji..."

Then Tenten said,"I'm too skinny to dance"

I sighed and sat down with them,"Fine, we'll skip the dancing, but we're still up for drinks!"

Everyone shrugged. I grinned, I knew they wouldn't drink that's why I would have to force them to. Hehe.

I continued,"I want to get to my point. Lately, we've all been suffering through our petty hearts...besides Sakura. I want to make a bet just for fun. For as long as we can, we have to stay away from our exes. We have to ignore them as if they are strangers. The first one who gives up on the bet and can't stand to stay away from their ex will be named the weakest in the group. The last one who gets back together with their ex is considered the strongest because she suffered the most without the support of her love."

Tenten rested her cheek on her palm looking unamused,"Ino, we know you are the strongest out of all of us"

I sighed,"Then get competitive! Try to be as strong as me or even stronger!"

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