Love? Or not?

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~Chapter 5~ .:Love? Or not?:.



"Hey Hinata-chan, since we're friends let me tell you a secret" Naruto-kun smiled and leaned close to my ear. His warm breath tickled my skin

He whispered," I'm in love"

My eyes widen in shock. That's when I knew that the person he fell for was not me because that would have been impossibly fast.

I looked at him and smiled as brightly as I could," I'm glad you've found someone" I looked away from him and stared at the pink cherry blossom petals floating towards the grass.

~end of flashback~

Sasuke POV

Do you know that feeling? Where you saw someone familiar but you can't remember the memories you had with them? Well I'm in that shitty situation. Thinking about Sakura would just frustrate me because I just can't remember the memories we had.

'Its about time you developed feelings for that girl'

Yeah...wait, what?! No! I do not have feelings for Sakura!

'Hehehehe' my inner self laughed and faded away from my thoughts.

I drove into my garage of my house...erm...mansion and parked my BMW M5.

As I walked into my "house" I was welcomed warmly by my mother,"Sasuke! Welcome home!", she hugged me and I hugged her back.

This woman was the only person who would actually show their love to me. My father is a dude who expects me to be as famous as my brother but I don't care. I'm famous enough. I get all of the girls anyways.

I planned on talking to mother about the Sakura situation when she tells me good night.

Yes, my mother tells me goodnight. Problem?

Anyways, I smiled at mother and went straight to my room and did my homework for an hour.

Yes. The first thing I do when I get home is do homework. Problem?

After that I took a quick shower and put my clothes on. I went downstairs to eat dinner but my phone went off then I checked the caller ID. It was Karin.

"Yo Karin" I answered.

"Hey Sasuke-kun! How are you? I hope you didn't forget about our date tonight!"

Shit."No Karin I remember" I lied,"I forgot to tell you that I can't take you for a date because my father wants to talk to me about my band"

"Your band?" A deep voice arose behind me but I mistakenly thought it was Karin's.

"Well it's not really my band. But you know what I mean. Oh and is your voice all right?"

"Of course my voice is alright" Karin replied confusingly.

Out of nowhere someone poked the side of my hip from behind. Of course, I reacted and jerked. It looked like as if I was doing the harlem shake.

Is turned around and glared at my attacker,"What the hell was that for?!"

Itachi nii-san rolled his eyes,"don't call our band yours, you got that?"

I scowled,"Tch. I can call it what I want"

Itachi nii-San poked my forehead,"foolish little brother", and he walked off downstairs.

I looked around for my phone because I dropped it and saw that Karin has hung up. Oh well. One problem solved.

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