The Pain I'll Hold

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~Chapter 13~ .:The Pain I'll Hold:.


I looked to my side and saw a beautiful woman who amazingly looked similar to Sasuke....Shit it's his mother.

What would she think of me? God now I feel like shitting in my pants..


Sasuke's POV

Father stood behind mother so I immediately stood up as well as Sakura. This is such an embarrassment.

Then I saw Sakura smiled widely,"Is that you, papa Fugaku?"

For the first time I saw father smile brightly,"Ah, if it isn't my baby Sakura!"

Right after that moment a mini flashback occurred. To what it looked like it was father holding Sakura when she was about 3 years old.

Back into the present, I looked at Sakura and she smiled speaking to father about their past.

Mother came next to me and whispered,"She's going to be a great wife. If you want to make your father happy, I suggest you to marry Sakura soon", she laughed.

I blushed. I knew for sure that I loved Sakura. I felt it, in my heart. It feels somewhat warm whoever she's around. I hope I'll never lose her because I was going to confess to her, whether if she loves me or not. It's fast, I admit but I cannot wait any longer.

My phone rang out of nowhere and everyone looked at me. I said,"Excuse me", and walked into the house, a bit dried.

"Hello?", I answered.

"It's Gaara, we found another man who's against us. However, he asks to be killed by you rather than by me for some reason"

"All right. I'll be on my way", I hung up and changed into some different clothes.

After changing I ran outside and yelled out to my parents,"I'm gonna go to see my friends", then went into my car and drove to my hideout.

Ino's POV

Shikamaru asked me out a couple of weeks ago and yesterday he told me he loves me and wants to grow old with me. Of course, I told him the same thing. But lately, we've been hanging out less and I usually see him with a girl whose name is Temari. I've heard some rumors that Temari likes Shikamaru and Shikamaru likes her back but I didn't want to believe that.

I cried hard. I didn't want to be heartbroken. I didn't want to know how it felt like. I just wanted to be happy...with Shikamaru...

I grabbed my phone and dialed Tenten's number. After a few rings she picked up,"Hey Ino, what's up?"

I sniffed and tried to speak through my lumped throat,"I-I think Shikamaru's c-cheating on me"

"What?! With who?!"

I sniffed,"He usually t-talks to Temari...and I feel like our relationship is becoming worse because of her"

Tenten sighed,"Would you like me to come over? Maybe bring the girls in too?"

"No it's fine. I just wanted to tell you before you'll become worried on Monday"

"Hmm. Okay well bye Ino. I have to speak to Neji", Tenten hung up.

I looked at a picture of me and Shikamaru. We were so close, it was impossible. We used to talk so much, but why hasn't he been talking to me? I didn't do anything wrong.

I wiped the remaining tears off from my face and sighed. I frowned, thinking of the many reasons why Temari is perfect compared to me, which means that I'm regretting my looks...


Hinata's POV

After I went to the grocery store yesterday, Neji gave me a lecture. Today, I went to the library and unexpectedly saw Naruto there. Me and Naruto hid from Neji so we could have some of our own time but unfortunately, Neji caught us kissing...again.

Neji punched Naruto multiple times and there was nothing I could do. If I was like Sakura I would probably push Neji away from Naruto but I'm weak.

I looked at Naruto sadly, who had a purple eye and swollen cheek and lips. I tried holding in my tears. Seeing Naruto in that condition was so horrible. I regret not doing anything...I should've taken those punches and let Neji hit me rather than Naruto.

Neji held my arm tightly so he made sure that I wouldn't escape from his grasp. Until we went to my house, he threw me into my room,"Hinata, I told you so many times to stay away from that fucken troublemaker?! Don't you understand what will happen if your with him?"

Usually, at times like this I would stay quiet, but not that day,"If I'm with Naruto-kun, my life would be perfect"

Right after saying those truthful words, my cheek felt like it stung as I placed my hand over it. Neji slapped me, really hard.

My father ran into my room after hearing the loud slap,"Neji, what's going on in here?!"

Neji glared at me before speaking to father,"Your daughter has been kissing a man who is not educated, Naruto"

Father looked at me with his scary eyes,"Naruto? Hinata, that boy is not the boy I want you to marry! I told you to find an educated boy! Not some homeless crap!", he slapped me on the same cheek where Neji did.

The pain made my eyes water. I looked up and saw Neji pulling back Father,"Uncle, I already slapped her. Please let's just leave her alone"

Father stopped struggling,"If Neji tells me that you're being with that crap again, you'll become a stranger to me!", he stormed out with Neji and slammed the door.

The tears I held back when they were here are now flowing on my face. What have I done? What should I do?

I sat on my bed and placed a hand on my cheek, it burned. I sighed and thought how I'll cover the bruise that's probably there.


I walked out of my house, not saying my goodbyes to anyone. I didn't want to speak anymore. Maybe, I should just stop talking.

I walked until the stoplight signed red. I usually would see Naruto here but I know he won't be, because I woke up early and left home early so I wouldn't see Naruto.

But having Naruto away from me was painful. My heart hurts. I miss him already. He had the smile that made my day go bright. He gave me the courage to the anything. He made me believe to not give up.

A tear rolled down on my face as I walked on the crosswalk when it was green, of course.

Finally reaching school, I sighed happily as I see Sakura and Sasuke laughing together. I was glad that she was happy. I hoped that they will soon be together.

Ignoring the looks from people (because of my bruise on my cheek), I walked towards my locker. As I opened it I heard the voice that I didn't want to hear

"Hey Hina-...what happened to your cheek?", Naruto gently caressed my cheek and I pulled away, still not looking at him.

Naruto frowned,"Does it hurt? We could go to the nurse and-"

I closed my locker after grabbing my books and walking away as fast as I could. Great, another tear fell.


I'm crying to death now! Thanks for the views! They keep on going up whenever I check, oh and the votes too! I'll soon update the new chapter so just wait maybe for a couple days! :D

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