Need for Strength

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~Chapter 18~ .:Need for Strength:.


I closed my eyes shut and shivered from every touch Gaara gave me. I was scared. Very scared that I felt like I don't want to be touched by anyone anymore. I feel like it's the end.

"Hey! Don't touch her!", a voice roared. Then all of a sudden I heard a thud.


Sasuke's POV

I instantly grabbed Gaara and threw him across the floor. I felt so disgusted seeing one of my gang members about to rape my girlfriend. My hate towards Gaara suddenly rises. My hatred then turned toward the gang itself. I hated what the gang did. I felt like killing myself just thinking of what we...I did to other innocent people. I hated myself after seeing Sakura's condition, who was covering herself with her wide shocked eyes. She was breathing heavily, like if it was the last moment of her life.

I inched closer to her whispering her name.

Gaara whimpered as he tried to get up,"Sasuke! What are you thinking?! Are you not going to let me rape her?!"

I turned to face him and gave him a hard thrust towards his stomach,"Shut up! This is my fucken girlfriend!", I yelled through my kicks.

I turned back to my Sakura as she whimpered through her lumped throat and shaking body. I'm guessing that she's figured out who I truly was.

I bent on my knee stretching my arms towards her cold face,"Sakura...please I'm sorry"

She cried more and looked away from me. It pained me how she gave me that look. She tried to get up but was struggling since she was shaking furiously in fear.

I tried helping her by holding her by her arm but she pushed me away with one arm while the other held her ripped clothes over her revealing body. After abruptly pushing me away, she fell on her scrapped knees

I frowned, feeling the pain in my chest,"Sakura, please let me-"

"G-get a-away from m-me, Sasuke", she gets up again, finally succeeding without my help.

"I'll take you home-"

She yelled,"Get away from me you rapist!"

I paused and was unable to move. Her words shot through my body causing the pain to my heart. Straight into my heart the words repeated "Rapist".

I couldn't take it anymore so I let my god damn tears flow across my pained face. The feeling of pain was not pleasant. At that moment I was ready to have Sakura shoot me. "Sakura...please. Let me take you home."

She ignored me and wrapped as much skin as she could,"Just l-leave me alone. I-Ino will drop me off..", she muttered as her legs shook.

I grabbed her arm before she could make a move,"Sakura please...I love you", I blurted out. It wasn't my first confession but I still didn't know what to expect from Sakura.

She didn't move. She didn't look up into my eyes like what she did when I first confessed to her.

Sakura merely muttered as she stared coldly at the ground,"It's over Sasuke"

My eyes widen,"Sakura, I'll leave the gang. Just please forgive me Sakura. I didn't mean to hurt you this way"

Finally, she looked at me with her beautiful green orbs,"You hid this from me! If I knew you were a gang member in the first place I would have never spoken to you. I-... I regret meeting you so please I beg you", she fell on to her knees as her head was placed lightly on my shoes,"please don't rape or kill me! Leave me alone. Please don't hurt Naruto, Hinata, Ino, or anyone! Please stay out of my life!", her piercing voice echoed through the alley as I stood shaking as well as she did.

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