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~Chapter 12~ .:Troubled:.


Karin was right there in front of me...looking like a nerd actually. I looked at her stomach, she hadn't changed much. I expected something in that belly of hers that would not be mine.

I sighed," Karin, Im breaking the engagement so please leave me alone and have a pleasant life"


Hinata's POV

Because of Neji, I was unable to go to the date with Naruto. I didn't tell Naruto about Neji nor that I could go to the date at that time. I held my phone in my hand and stared at it. Should I call Naruto or not? Well I was going to have to anyways.

I took a deep breath and called Naruto. After a few rings he finally picked. My face burned nervously.


"H-hello N-Naruto-kun"

"Oh hey Hinata-chan! Are you wanting to go to the date now?", he asked eagerly.

I frowned and felt tears approaching. I was hurting Naruto by listening to Neji's orders. Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

I replied,"U-uh, about the date ,Naruto-kun", I sniffed,"I c-can't make it"

He was quiet for a while. He was probably mad. Then he said happily,"Don't worry! We'll go some other day"


"See you on Monday Hinata-chan! Love you!", Naruto turned off his phone.

I then realized, he said that he loved me. I turned into a million shades of red. He just told me that he....loves me. I wiped my tears away and smiled, thinking of how Naruto would react if he figured out that he told me.

I just finished my homework and I then checked the time; it was 8:30 pm. I cleaned up and got ready for bed.

Naruto's POV

I looked out my window and saw that it was dark. I sighed and thought of Hinata. That's when I remembered, I told Hinata that I loved her! Shit! I blushed so hard I felt like I was going to faint.

Hey that must've how Hinata have felt like when she's around me, hehe.

~Next Morning~

I woke up and yawned loudly. I looked around and sighed, looks like I have to get ready for...nothing. It was 12:00 pm.

I walked, well dragged myself into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did some other things. I then walked my self to my kitchen and grabbed myself some milk.

I noticed that something smelled...nasty. I smelled my armpits and surely that wasn't the problem. I looked at the milk I was holding and found out that my milk was expired. God damn it, I gotta buy some milk.

I sadly dropped my milk into the trash can,"Bye, milk. You'll always be remembered...NOW I HAVE TO WALK TO THE GROCERY STORE FOR ANOTHER MILK! GOD DAMMED YOU MILK!!"

I changed into a new black shirt as well as some pair of orange shorts. I walked downstairs, grabbed my wallet and house keys, and locked the door of my house.

I walked out and inhaled the fresh air from outside. Ah, it was such a great day...sadly I can't see Hinata today. >~<

I walked to the nearby grocery store called "Konaha Foods" (A/N that's the only creative name I could come up with XD)

I grabbed a basket as I walked into the store. I looked around to find the aisle marked for milk...Ah! Found it!

I ran towards the milk section and grabbed two gallons of milk.

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