Age of Heartaches

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Chapter 4. .: Age of Heartaches:.


After school I went to my locker and figured that Sasuke-kun was behind me.

His locker was next to mines.

Tenten's POV

Finally, it's afterschool! The last thing I want to do is to bump into that douche Neji.

Tch. That guy is always bothering me.

I looked up to see Sakura walking to her locker. I grinned as I saw Sasuke right behind her. It seemed like he was following her but really, his locker was just next to Sasuke's.

I was trying to walk towards her but bumped into someone.

I looked up and saw Naruto. I knew this guy but I've never spoken to him. There was no reason to.

"A-ah sorry, Tenten", Naruto smiled and walked away quickly.

'I wonder where he's going?' I thought but shrugged it off.

I looked back to Sakura locker and figured that she was gone. Sasuke wasn't there either.

Oh well looks like I'll have to walk home.

I walked outside and bumped into a hard muscular chest.

I looked up and scowled,"You..."

Neji laughed and poked my cheek,"Hey there Ben 10"

"Don't call me that, gaytard!"

"What kind of name is that?!"

"A name that was created specially for you", I walked away but that jerk grabbed my arm which caused me to turn and face him.

"Neji, just what the hell do you want?! Aren't you tired of bothering me?! Bother someone else already!"

He sighed,"I was just offering to give you a ride home! If you want me to stop bothering you then why didn't you tell me before?!"

"Tch" I jerked my arm away and walked straight towards home.

'At least I got rid of him....wait my heart....why....why is it pounding as if it has been stabbed'

Those thoughts repeated as I dragged myself towards home.

I walked on the empty and dead streets and hear a car coming behind me. I watched it as it passed me. But then it stopped. I only had to walk about a meter away to the car.

I realized that the car was Nejis'. Neji came out of the car and walked towards me. I stared blankly in shock.

"Um...look Tenten, I'm sorry. I don't know why but out of all girls you seem to caught my eye."

"Since when did a gang member ever apologized to a girl?"

"If you want I'll quit being a gang member"

I blushed,'why would he? Why do I feel like something's good is going to happen?'

Neji smiled. It was so rare but not only that, it was the first time he smiled!

He touched my cheek with his gentle warm fingers, caressing it in circles. I blushed.

He blushed along with me,"Tenten....I-I think I like you"

I looked up at him in shock to just see his pearl eyes staring deep into mines.

~Shikamaru's POV~

Driving with Ino is such a horrible idea. All she did was ramble about girly stuff. Did she really expected me to pay attention?

"Shika, are you listening?" Ino asked as she had one hand gripped on the steering wheel while the other hand is carrying her phone.

I mumbled,"Yes, something about Hinata" 'I think'.

"Hey Shika, do you mind if you help me with some calculus homework? The chapter we're on is confusing"

"Sure" in my thoughts I added,' anything for you"

*sigh* yes I know, it's a drag but I fell for this girl. My father somehow knew that we'd end up together but in this situation, it's impossible.

I'm a complete nerd and she's the popular girl at school. However, since Ino's father and mines seems to be childhood friends we became friends.

I really wanted to tell her how I feel but it'll just ruin my reputation. So, I decided to let her make the move.

Hinata's POV

'Naruto-kun called me cute. Naruto-kun called me cute. Naruto-kun called me cute...' This thought repeated continuously as I was walking home.

I felt like a child who is crushing on a boy a bit too much. Maybe that's what I am but all that I know is that I'm in love with Naruto-kun, and I'll never have the courage to tell him.

I accepted the fact that I'll never get to be with Naruto-kun forever. I had faith in myself but what he said during lunch broke me...


"Hey Hinata-chan, since we're friends let me tell you a secret" he smiled and leaned close to my ear. His warm breath tickled my skin

He whispered," I'm in love"

My eyes widen in shock. That's when I knew that the person he fell for was not me because that would have been impossibly fast.

I looked at him and smiled as brightly as I could," I'm glad you've found someone" I looked away from him and stared at the pink cherry blossom petals floating towards the grass.

~end of flashback~


Please leave comments and suggestions. If there are any grammar mistakes I apologize. I'm new to this and have to study for upcoming exams. I'll update soon! Thank you for reading!

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