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I sadly do not own Naruto.

Previous chapter-

"How come you know my name and I don't know yours?" I asked.

'Stupid! What kind of question is that?!' I thought angrily.

"Well....it's because your famous" The pink haired girl looked away.

"What's your name?"

"Sakura. Haruno Sakura"

~Chapter 3~. .:Unusual:.

Sakura's POV

'Why did he ask for my name, it's so unusual'.

Sasuke-kun nods and walks to a random desk. I sat in the seat in front of him so he won't have to see my face.

Sasuke-kun doesn't know but we were best friends since preschool. Until fourth grade he seemed to change. He's gotten cold and told me to stay away from him. Of course, I ignored and asked why he was like this but he would just push me away, literally.

I didn't want to think about the past because it hurts. My feelings of friendship developed into deep love. I fell for him not because of his cold mood but for his old self. I want him to realize that I'll be there to change him. I'll change him from a gang leader to the way he was.

Since Sasuke-kun started talking to me, I have my chance to change him.

Apparently we had arranged seats. In a coincidence, I had to sit with Sasuke. I didn't speak or look at him. I felt too nervous.

"Sakura", Sasuke said as I look at him,"do we know each other from before?"

'Crap' I thought as I felt a drop of sweat from my forehead 'should I tell him the truth? Oh well, it's now or never'

"U-uh...we were...best friends when we were little..." I stared down at my physics textbook.


We were in a park filled with cherry blossom trees. The petals fell one after the other. The view was really beautiful.

"Sasuke-kun!" The six year old me yelled and ran to little Sasuke-kun.

Sasuke-kun smiled. It was one of those smiles where you could only see once.

The small Sasuke-kun hugged me tightly,"Sakura-chan you're actually here!"

I giggled,"of course I am! So why did you want to meet here?"

"I just need someone to talk to. I want to talk to you and only you because I love you!"

"Don't worry Sasuke-kun!" I posed,"Super-Sakura is here to help!"

Sasuke-kun smiled brightly.

~End of Flashback~

I looked up at Sasuke. He nodded,"No wonder wonder you look awfully familiar"

I smiled lightly and looked up to see our physics teacher.

He had silver hair and violet eyes. He looked pretty funny for some reason.

"Hello students, my name is Hidan and I'm your physics teacher. First," Hidan-sensei somehow cut the palm of his hand and let a drop of blood fall on to the floor,"what caused the blood to fall on to the floor?"

I sat there with my mouth gawked open,' What the hell?!'

I looked at Sasuke who is also sitting there in shock. After a few seconds he rose his hand to answer Hidan-sansei's question.

"T-the force of g-gravity"

Hidan-sensei smiled,"Yes! That's right! As a reward I'll offer some of my blood"

Sasuke-kun gulped and shook his head,"no thank you sensei"

"Ah okay. Let's move on."

Sasuke-kun sighed in relief and whispered to me,"That guy is a weirdo, don't you agree?"

I nodded in agreement.

After school I went to my locker and figured that Sasuke-kun was behind me.

His locker was next to mines.

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