This Love

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~Chapter 14~ .:This Love:.


"Hey Hina-...what happened to your cheek?", Naruto gently caressed my cheek and I pulled away, still not looking at him.

Naruto frowned,"Does it hurt? We could go to the nurse and-"

I closed my locker after grabbing my books and walking away as fast as I could. Great, another tear fell.


Sakura's POV

Sasuke drove me to school since he found out that I walked to school. So here I am in school laughing with Sasuke.

We walked toward our lockers and got our books.

Sasuke spoke,"Let's go sit under the cherry blossoms"

I nodded and he took my hand. Why does he always hold my hand? I mean, we're not a thing or anything...right?

When we finally reached to the ground filled with cherry blossom trees, we sat down while Sasuke still held my hand.

I blushed and ignore him as he was playing with my fingers," there something you want to talk to me about?"

Sasuke sighed and nodded, then looked at me straight in the eye,"Sakura, I have this feeling that will never fade away from me. When ever you're with me, my worries go away and only warmth comes to me, into my heart. And that warmth is you Sakura"

My mouth was open in shock and my face turned red.

Sasuke continued,"My heart feels like it needs you to keep my heart alive. Sakura, I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I stayed quiet and just stared at Sasuke in shock. He would never say anything romantic to anyone, also, he doesn't even look like the type.

We just sat there quietly. Without even asking, Sasuke leaned toward me and kissed me.

I kissed him back happily, but one side of me told me that Sasuke is keeping something from me. Something that is frightening.

His cool hand touched the side of my face and made the kiss deeper. I blushed as if it was the last thing I had to do. With his other hand, Sasuke held mines and broke our kiss.

I looked at him and his expression showed that he was sad and he then spoke,"Sakura, you don't look like your happy. Do you want us to be together? If you want I'll leave you alone."

I pursed my lips and looked at our hands that held together.

Sasuke said,"I remember you now. I remember the many things we did together. I even proposed to you"

I blushed when he reminded me that he proposed,"But we were too young"

Sasuke let go of my hand,"Does that mean you don't want to be with me?"

I shook my head fast and held his arm,"I want to be with you...forever"

Sasuke smiled and placed his hand on my head, gently brushing my long pink hair with his fingers.

I looked around to see if anyone was looking because there was only a couple minutes until the bell,"Sasuke-kun, do you think we should go to class now?"

Sasuke nods and carries me bridal style.

I blushed and yelled,"S-Sasuke-kun! Put me down!"

Sasuke smirked and only held me tighter when I struggle,"Hn, I don't want to", he kissed my forehead and walk into the hall way (with our belongings)

He dropped me off to my homeroom and kissed me good bye.

I walked into class and sat on my seat.

"Sakura, you're here early", my teacher said in shock.

"Y-yeah...I guess I am", I replied.

Naruto's PO

I looked at my watch and figured that there was about three minutes until the bell. I quietly walked towards my homeroom class.

"Morning, Naruto!", Iruka smiled and waved.

I ignored and walked towards my seat which was next to Shikamaru.

Everyone looked at me in shock. Probably because of my behavior. To ignore the looks I put my head down on the table and sighed.

Shikamaru said,"hey, what's wrong?"

I mumbled,"mm...nothing..."

Shikamaru rolled is eyes,"I admit, Neji is a dickhead sometimes"

I scowled, of course Shikamaru knows. He knows everything!

I said while raising my head up,"I guess"

Iruka announced many events that will be coming up specially for the seniors but I most definitely did not pay attention. Finally the bell rung. Everyone rushed out of the classroom to head to their first period. I, however, was held back by Iruka

"Naruto, let me give you an advice"

I walked towards his desk and unexpectedly he placed his hand on my head telling me,"If you love someone that is so very dear to you, you should never give up on them. Fight those who are in your way of your love and reach her to fulfill your happiness"

My eyes widened,"I-Iruka...sensei..."

He smiled gently,"Now off you go before you get late"

I smiled brightly and nodded,"hai!"

I ran off to my first period. I felt completely confident now. Thanks to Iruka, I feel that I could kill anyone to get Hinata. I just found someone that loves me and she can't leave me after all she has done to make me happy.

I ran into Kakashi's classroom and quickly sat next to Sasuke. I looked at him and saw his scary face not looking so scary anymore.

I raised my eyebrow,"Oi, Sasuke, you okay?"

He nodded and tried to hide his blush.

I smiled,"Looks like you've found your love too"

Sasuke didn't move or say anything and I was glad. It proves to me that he is in love...with Sakura for sure.


2k?!?! This is mind blowing! Thanks you guys! I shall continue writing this story and try my best to catch reader's attention! ;) tata!

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