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~Chapter 16~ .:Plan:.


I perked my eyebrows up in confusion. This guy is out new band member?! It can't be! He's such a weirdo! Why did Itachi let him join the band?!?! AAAAAHHHH!


Sasuke's POV

Hidan-sensei?! Why Hidan-sensei?!

Hidan then spoke while staring at me,"Eh? Sasuke? What are you doing here?"

I answered,"I-I'm the guitarist for Akatsuki"

He jumped backwards in shock,"WHAT?!"

I muttered,"That's what I said"

Itachi walked in with a glum look," So...I see that you two have met before"

I glared at Itachi,"Niisan, he's my creepy physics teacher I was talking about..."

His eyebrows perked up,"Oh...well...heh this is awkward...Anyways! Hidan will be our bassist"

I sighed,"Our drummer didn't leave did he?"

Itachi shook his head,"Sasori will be here soon"

"Thank god", I muttered.

Right after, the lazy looking Sasori came in with a blonde man....

No it can't can't be our art teacher!

Sasori spoke as he looked away from the blonde man,"I brought a guest if you don't mind"

The blonde man yelled,"YO! I'm Deidara, the greatest artist alive!"

I groaned,"...Deidara...-sensei?..."

Itachi patted my back with a pleased look,"Looks like you know this one too!"

I yelled,"Why are you bringing my teacher into a hardcore rock metal band?!"

Itachi shrugged,"That's easy. It's because they're good at it...besides Deidara"

"Oi!!", Deidara yelled.

Itachi ignored,"All right let's get into our places and practice.

We all yelled our motto,"DANGO! DANGO! !"

We scurried into our places and prepared to play our instruments.

Tenten POV

"Tenten! Come out of your room! You haven't a eaten for days!", my mom yelled as she banged on my door.

I didn't reply. That wasn't unusual however. I sat on my bed with my thin arms hugging my small knees. I felt small. I felt as small as an ant. I was starving myself because I forced myself to stay away from Neji. But I never expected my self to starve after our break up. I mean, I would say our relationship is done for the best of us.

The phone rang loudly and I flinched. I slowly reached my hand on to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. It read 120 miss calls. 16 from my friends and 104 missed calls from Neji.

The call was from Ino. I sighed and picked up the phone,"H-hey, Ino.."

Ino yelled,"Don't hey me! You haven't picked up the others and my calls! What's going on? You lost so much weight! Did you and Neji break up?"

"Um...yeah I broke up with him"

"Then why...?"

I sighed,"I forced break up with him"

"Oh...Hey! I have an idea, why won't you make Neji jealous?!"

I sighed,"What a ridiculous idea. No one will ever come after me. Especially with this boyish attitude of mines."

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