The Truth Hurts

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~Chapter 23~ .:The Truth Hurts:.

I slowly knocked on the door as I tried to pretend that the owner was someone else rather than Sasuke.

Sasuke stood as he looked at me, "It seems that you're ready to start working"

I nod while I kept my eyes off of Sasuke's face.

He walked passed me and out the door saying, "Let's start. Shall we?"

Sakura's POV

30 minutes of awkward silence between Sasuke and I...that I cannot stand. As I checked up a 5 year old, Sasuke stood about a couple inches away from me. God damn it, his warm breath.

I patted the girl's head lightly in comfort as I told her, "I'm going to give you a quick boo boo, okay sweetie?"

She shook her head in disapproval and points her tiny finger towards the raven-haired man behind me

"S-scary...", she mumbled through her tears.

"Alright. Should I send him out?", I asked eagerly. To be honest, I was afraid to have my ex boyfriend terribly close behind me.

The girl nodded in agreement, showing off her baby teeth.

I turned my head around to glare at Sasuke.

He glared back, "I'm not leaving until this little brat- OOF!" He crouched and covered his crotch as he howled in pain.

I muffled a laugh as I figured out that the little girl, somehow, kneed Sasuke.

Sasuke finally spoke, "That's it! I'll be waiting outside to see the results"

I smirked, "Hn. No problem"

He scowled and stompped his way out of the checkup room with a small pout.

Aww how cute....Back to work!

The little girl rose her arm up as if she's offering me a high five, and so I did grinning.

After giving the little girl the vaccine she held my hand and led me out of room, meeting with Sasuke.

I smirked, "See? She's all better now"

The little girl nodded at me and turned to Sasuke, "You ugly"

Sasuke growled "...Say that again and you'll be dragging yourself home..."

The girl stuck her tongue out and said again, "Ugly" then ran off to her mother giggling.

I glanced at Sasuke and his expression showed that he'll blow up in seconds.

I laughed and patted his cheek, "You know what the world says, 'The truth hurts'"

He snickered, "That wasn't painful at all"

I rose an eyebrow and unexpectedly brought a painful topic into this conversation, "Really? Wanna know the truth? About our relationship?"

He started to stare at me intensely.

I spoke, "The feelings I had for you weren't love. I was probably thinking wrong. In fact, I don't fricken get why I fell for you during high school. You know, that you were so kind, cute, and hyper when you were young? I want that Sasuke back. I want the Sasuke that I fell for deeply. I don't want you" Before I knew it, I was in tears. I fully blamed myself for bringing up this topic.

Sasuke locked his eyes on mines with deep concern and urged to move close to my body. I simply stared at him, wondering how this arrogant jerk can get me to feel better.

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