Is Love Easy?

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~Chapter 10~ .:Is Love Easy?:.


But Hinata deserves Naruto. Where will she find a fun loving person like Naruto?"

I sighed and shook my head,"Forget it. But I know that Naruto and Hinata are made for each other. I feel it"


Naruto's POV

Tch. That Neji guy is really pissing me off. Since first period he kept on glaring at me! But he won't stop me from being with Hinata! I want to stay with her forever!

It was the last period of the day and I had literature with Sakura. I sat next to her since I didn't know anyone else for the rest of the period.

It was awkward. We didn't talk to each other so it felt uncomfortable to the point where I regretted sitting next to her.

After about 40 minutes or so, the bell rung and I quickly stood up and felt the urge to run to Hinata before Neji sees. But someone grabbed my wrist before I could leave. It was Sakura.

She gave me a stern yet sorrowful look,"I want to talk to you"

I sighed,"Right now? I need to go to Hinata"

"I'll text her to let her go home with Neji. I need to talk to you about Hinata"

I nodded and she walked me and sat on the stairs that led to the streets of Konoha. I sat with her and blankly stared at the students walking home...with their friends.

Sakura sighed,"Naruto, Hinata means so much to me"

This is really ticking me off! I yelled,"Why does everyone think that I'm going to hurt Hinata-chan?! I love her god damned it!", I then covered my mouth before I could have said anything else.

Sakura stared at me in shock, but after a few seconds later her mouth curled up and formed a bright smile,"I think I have enough information! Off to Hinata's!"

I shrieked,"No! Sakura-chan, let me tell Hinata that I love her at the right time!"

She stood up and sighed,"Okay fine. I'm so happy for you two!"

I grinned,"I hope you and Sasuke get together. To be honest, you guys look cute together"

Sakura blushed,"H-he's just a friend, Naruto!"

I laughed and stood,"Well, I better walk home now. See you later!"

I waved Sakura good bye and walked off. I really wanted to walk Hinata home though. I felt that she was the only person who accepted who I was. After Hinata, made friends with Sasuke, Shikamaru, Tenten, Sakura, Iruka sensei, and even Kakashi sensei! They mean a lot to me and I feel that there are more people that I have yet to meet!

As I walked I placed a smile on my face. Hinata changed me, and now is my time to change her.

Hinata's POV

I've just arrived home and I greeted my father,"Hello father"

He was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, I believe. He wasn't a really mean father but he also was not nice. You can say that he was a strict father which was acceptable.

Father nodded,"How was school?"

I gave him a light smile,"It was fine. I'll be in my room to do homework"

Father nods sternly and I go straight to my room. As I opened the door someone started snuggling my leg. It was my kitten, Suki. She had orangish fur with bright blue eyes. She kinda reminds me of Naruto...(A/N: Ironic much?).

I picked her up and placed her on her mini bed. She purred as I pet her behind her ears.

I sighed,"Sorry Suki, but I must do my homework now", I poked her cute button nose and sat on my bed. I took out my homework and started working.

I then heard a voice coming from downstairs. It was my cousin, Neji, talking to my father. I tried to be as quiet as I could so I could hear what they were saying.

Neji said,"Hello uncle"

"Good evening, Neji...I see that you've brought this young lady here..."

I gawked my mouth open. It was Tenten obviously.

Neji replied,"Yes, she's my girlfriend, Tenten. I brought her here so you could recognize her when bring her here from time to time."

"Ah I see. If she wants she could stay in this house"

I heard Tenten's light and nervous laugh,"There's no need to sir. I live in a home on my own"

" you wish. You may leave Neji and Tenten."

I heard Neji and Tenten coming upstairs and towards my room. I quickly returned to doing my homework and pretend that I didn't hear anything by plugging in my earphones playing "In The End" by Black Veil Brides.

Neji walked into my room without knocking because well, that was his thing. He was never completely polite but he was overly protectant most of the time.

I looked up and smiled at the both of them. I pulled my earphones off of my ear before Neji spoke,"Hello Hinata"

Tenten literally jumped on me, "Hey cutie!"

I blushed and hugged her,"Hey Tenten"

Neji then spoken up,"Hinata, I want to talk to you about...Naruto"

Tenten frowned,"Neji, we talked about this already and-"

"Quiet Tenten"

She sighed in defeat and looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

Neji spoke sternly,"Don't be with Naruto. He's just an idiotic person who doesn't have a life"

I gave him a sad look,"B-but Neji nii-san, Naruto and I are just friends"

"Then keep it that way"

I stayed quiet. I wanted to be with Naruto but Neji is just coming into my way. But I have to choice but to respect his orders.

Neji sighed,"Tenten come. I'll drop you home"

Tenten hugged me once again,"See you on Monday"

I nodded. (A/N: It was Friday)

Sakura's POV

I later on the bed in my room and started playing music really loud. No one lives with me so at least I could do whatever the hell I want.

I was talking to Ino on the phone about the great news I've figured out yesterday,"Ino! Ino! Guess what?!"

She squealed,"Tell me!"

"Sasuke-kun is my neighbor!"

We both screamed on the phone for what it seemed like hours. I was too delighted because now me and Sasuke can get closer....and closer and...


Looks like someone is at the door. Super Sakura shall go and answer it! The music was still playing loudly as I ran downstairs to the door. I opened it and looked at the person who stood before me in shock. This person is....


CLIFFHANGER! Lol sorry, I didn't know what else to write but...OMG thank you for the votes, views and comments! I wuv you people! Anyways I hoped you liked this chappy, I tried making it long. Now I must go and eat some cookies! Bye bye ^.^

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