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~Chapter 25~


--Previously with Naruto and Hinata--

He smiled back, "I see..." He held my hand securely and had his eyes closed as he faced towards the sky.

I would've done the same, but instead I stared at him. Believing that being with Naruto, at that moment, was just a dream. And I would soon wake up from the fantasy and move on with my heartbroken life without him.

But no. It was real. I felt the warmth of his palm surrounding mines.

"Hinata, I need to tell you something", Naruto said as his eyes were still shut and his face was emotionless.

I began to feel nervous, wondering why he made that face, "W-what is it, N-Naruto?"


Hinata's POV

The sky was crying lightly as I felt like I was going to, too. I've never felt no nervous in my life. The love of my life held an expression that was unreadable. That was something unexpected for someone as lively as him.

After moments of breathing in anxiety Naruto finally faced me with his dreamy ocean eyes opened. His emotionless expression faded and was replaced by an unbelievable happy expression, "Ah, never mind! Haha!" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

I stared at him dumbfounded then pouted. I knew there was something up and if I don't find out what's going on, I will...I actually don't know...

"You have to tell me. I don't want to walk around paranoid", I ordered.

Naruto smiled, "I'll tell you later"


He placed his hand on his heart and smiled, "I promise"

I sighed and relaxed as I felt Naruto's warmth on his hand. We both stared off at the cloudy sky and thought of things that we could never tell each other. Of course I had things that I would never tell Naruto. I actually already told Naruto that I love him. That was one thing that I never wanted to tell him before we were together.

Naruto looked at me before he planted his sweet smile on his face, "Hey, let's go back to your house"

I widened my eyes, "B-but father-!"

He raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Have you already forgotten that he's accepting us?"

I stared at him dumbstruck as I thought to myself, 'Oh...I've already forgotten that he did'

Naruto shrugged and carried me bridal style as he grinned.

I blushed fiercefully, "A-ah! Naruto, what are you doing?!"

Again, he raised his eyebrow, "I'm carrying you. What else? Ne, your acting weird"

I frowned and looked away, "Gomen, it's been a while since I've seen you"

He leaned close to my face and kept that confused look on his face, "If you have something to say, you should spit it out"

I blushed and shut my eyes tightly as I said, "'s that you look more manlier than the last time I saw you"

He raised an eyebrow and frowned, "Ehh?!?! Was I not manly in high school?"

I giggled and shook my head.

He pouted, "Oi, you're a meanie"

I kissed his cheek, "that's mean. I'm not a meanie"

He rubbed his nose against my cheek, "hmm...that's true"

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