Made For Each Other

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~Chapter 9~ .:Made For Each Other:.



Kakashi looked up at me and raised an eyebrow,"Are you asking for 50 pages of AP Calculus homework?"

Everyone glared,"NARUTO!!"


Sakura's POV

I walked into my class with a red face. I had economics with Hinata and Tenten.

I quickly sat on my desk and waited for the bell to ring. I felt so embarrassed. I nearly kissed Sasuke-kun. Well, I'm not saying that it's a bad thing. I felt that Sasuke-kun finally realized who I was and how our relationship was when we were young.

Hinata took a seat next to me with a flushed face. If I could, I would have grinned and teased her but I'm in a situation that's a bit similar to hers.

"Sakura-chan, why are you blushing?" Hinata asked me in her sweet angelic tone.

" and S-Sasuke-kun....n-nearly k-kissed"

Her face brightened in delight,"that's good news! Sasuke-kun may like you"

I shook my head,"you can't predict us too fast. God knows what I am to Sasuke-kun"

She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled,"I'm sure he'll remember you soon"

I smiled a bit,"I hope. By the and Naruto make a cute couple!"

Hinata gasped and blushed,"Sakura-chan!"

I giggled and patted her head,"Is he going to take you on a date?"

"He told me that we will go on a stroll around town and drop me home"

"How cute!"

Hinata smiles then Tenten walked in and joined us at the desk in front of us,"Guess what?"

Hinata replied,"Your with Neji-niisan"

Tenten blushed,"How did you know?!"

"U-uh I saw you and Neji holding hands as I walk walking to school lately"

Tenten made her mouth shaped like an O and turned to face me,"So what do you think Sakura? Is Neji suitable for me?"

"Nope" I replied.


"You guys are going to look like Barbie and Ken...well with different personalities. But you know what they say, opposites attract! *cough* Naruhina *cough*"

Tenten squealed," Naruto and Hinata?! Senior year never gets better than this!"

"Sakura-chan, Naruhina is a weird name."

I laughed,"No it's not. It fits!"

Tenten was in thought and blurted out randomly,"Sasuke...Sakura....!..

I blushed,"Tenten shut up!"

Kakuzu-sensei glared at us,"If you ladies don't mind, would you shut up so I could start the class?"

I looked around and saw many faces of students who looked at us in annoyance.

I laughed sheepishly and kept my mouth shut for the class.

Neji's POV

Something strange is going on. Hinata seems a lot happier than usual. Who must have made her happy? Could it be Sakura? Eh I don't know. I guess I'll have to ask Tenten.

I was in math class with Kakashi-sensei along with Sasuke, Shikamaru, Ino, and Naruto. Lord, that Naruto. All he does is act like a goof off in class which only ruins his reputation (even though it was not high in the beginning).

Not only that he's dumb, Hinata likes him. Why would an innocent smart girl like a dumb guy who cannot look after himself?

Hopefully Naruto didn't make a move on Hinata. I've seen them talking lately.

"SASUKE LOVES SAKURA!!", Naruto yelled and gets smacked by a tomato faced Sasuke. He deserved it for being idiotic.

As Sasuke's fan girls heard this, they ran up to Naruto's and Sasuke's desk to beg Sasuke to ask them on a date.

Someone pulled a chair and sat on it next to me. I turned to face Shikamaru.

He began to spoke,"Man, Sasuke has to go through all of this trouble. It looks troublesome"

I nodded in agreement,"Thank god I'm not him."

"Your with Tenten right?"

I nodded. I didn't bother asking him how he knew because he was a genius like me.

I looked at Kakashi sensei and only saw him busy reading his cheap book. There's no need for him to teach for me but for Naruto, that's a different story.

Speaking of Naruto, he deliberately started yelling,"SASUKE, I THINK I LOVE HINATA!"

I froze on my seat. Nothing mattered but Hinata. That person does not deserve an innocent and well educated girl like Hinata.

About 20 minutes later the bell rang. Naruto shouted in delight and walked out of the classroom after saying bye to Sasuke.

I quickly walked out and grabbed Naruto's shoulder before he could walk off.

I have him the best glare I could,"Watch your back Naruto. Stay away from Hinata. She doesn't need someone like you"

Naruto pushed my hand off his shoulder and sticked his tongue out,"You won't stop me from staying away from Hinata"

I scoffed,"I warned you"

I walked off to my next class with a bad temper

Tenten's POV


I walked to my locker and saw Neji standing beside it.

I smiled at him and started to open my locker,"Hey Neji"


He didn't sound so amused so I asked,"Is something wrong?"

"Yes, in fact, Naruto is"

I raised an eyebrow,"What's wrong with Naruto? He's a good guy"

Neji shook his head,"He beginning to like Hinata"

"I know"

"Naruto doesn't deserve Hinata"

"But Hinata deserves Naruto. Where will she find a fun loving person like Naruto?"

I sighed and shook my head,"Forget it. But I know that Naruto and Hinata are made for each other. I feel it"


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