Warm Hearts

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~Chapter 8~ .:Warm Hearts:.


I looked at him and ended up staring at him.

Sasuke looked at me and raised his eyebrow,"What?"

I blushed and looked away,"N-nothing..."

"Something is w-"

A high pitched voice yelled from afar,"Suigetsu! Not here! Someone will hear us!"

Sasuke's eyes widened,"Karin?" He stood up and went where Karin was and left me under the cherry blossom tree.


Sasuke's POV

I nearly ran to the place where I heard Karin's voice. I then began to hear some *cough* noises. I stood behind a tree and took a peek to see if Karin was really cheating on me with Suigetsu.

Yep. That's them alright. I felt my face burn in anger. I felt like ripping Suigetsu's body into shreds. How dare he touch my Karin! Actually I take that back. Fuck Karin and move on. I spit on to the floor besides me and started to walk.

When Karin comes up to me and becomes all lovey and dovey I'll break our engagement. Yes, you heard me! An engagement!

It was supposed to be kept as a secret but it doesn't matter now. For god's sake! I know I don't love that piece of shit.

Before, father accepted our engagement because Karin was rich and was a "fine" woman.

I sighed. I needed someone to talk to. Naruto? No. Neji? Nope we are like enemies now. Gaara? He knows nothing but to kill....which leaves me to Sakura.

I quickly walked toward the tree where I left Sakura but I frowned because she wasn't there. I put my hand on my face in disappointment. I shouldn't have left her like that. Sakura probably thinks that I hate her.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to face the angelic Sakura.

She smiled heavenly,"Looking for me?"

I smirked a bit,"maybe"

"If you need someone to talk to I'm right here"

I smirked and poked her cheek,"Why thank you Dr.Phil"

She pouted,"First of all, I am not Dr.Phil. Lastly, your welcome"

My smile faded because I saw a flashback of Sakura and I when we were younger...


We were both about five years old and we were in a park. On a swing, gently talking to each other.

"Sakura?", I asked her.

Her green orbs stared into mines,"Yes, Sasuke-kun?"

"When we grow up can we get married?"

"Yes Sasuke-kun! Why can't we get married now so we can be together forever?"

"I asked my mommy and she told me that I'm too small. I'm not small right? Am a big boy!"

The small Sakura hopped off her swing and stood before me,"You are a big boy", she hugged me,"My big boy"

I smiled an hugged her back. We stayed like that until the sun finally took set.

~End of Flashback~

"Sasuke-kun?", Sakura stared at me as she waves her arms in front of my face.

"Sorry. I was thinking about...something" I replied blankly.

Sakura nodded and sat under the cherry blossom tree,"So what's going on with Karin?"

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