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~Chapter 24~ .:Peace:.


I tried again and blushed deeply, "N-Naruto!"

He smiled brightly, "See? You did it!"

Right after he gave that flashy smile, the clouds separated themselves and out came the bright light the flowers were waiting for.

With the help of the sunlight, Naruto's eyes looked like as if it were dancing in different shades of blue.

I can't believe that this man loves me.


Hinata's POV

Naruto, unexpectedly, dragged me into a park and we sat under a cherry blossom tree. We both looked at the started to rain again. The sky is crying's happy.

Naruto sniffed a deep breath and smiled, "I missed the scent of cherry blossoms. They remind me of you!"

I blushed deeply in shock, "H-how? Shouldn't they remind you of Sakura-chan? I mean...her hair..."

He rose an eyebrow as if I was speaking of something else, "When I was sitting under the cherry blossom tree in the school yard, you came up to me and said hello for the first time. Hehe I remember how you were so shy and would faint whenever you see me"

I blushed and looked at my feet as drips of rain fell from my hair and covered my face.

Naruto gently moved my hair out of my face and placed it behind my ear and he asked, "Ne Hinata, was I really that attractive in high school?"

I stared at him and shook my head in disagreement, "Not exactly. Yes, you were...attractive, but what really caught my eye was your will to never give up. Because of you, I was able to succeed in high school. During freshman year, I thought of giving up high school and let my father abandon me from the house. Fortunately, I noticed you in sophomore year and you gave me the belief to never give up"

Naruto smiled gently and looked like as if he were to be in tears. He placed his warm palm of his hand on to my wet hair, "You know, you're really something-dattebayo"

I smiled back and allowed myself to have a few tears trickle from my eyes, "I should say that back to you. Thank you, Naruto"

" ! ", Naruto's face became completely blank as if he had just remembered something.

He fiddled with his fingers while blushing and looked away, "Well...since I barely passed high school. You wouldn't mind...tutoring me, right?"

I giggled, "Of course I don't mind! When shall we start?"

Naruto looked up in thought, rubbing his chin, "Since we have class tomorrow. You could tutor me tomorrow after class. Would that be alright?"


He grabbed my face with both of his hands and smiled intensely, "Now, professor, let's stop talking about work and have fun."

I blushed deeply then slapped him and he yelled as he rubbed his left cheek, "itte!!! H-Hinata, what was that for??!! Don't be like Sakura-chan!"

I held my hand from hitting him again and argued, "(O//_//O) You were scaring me! I thought you were going to..."

Naruto gave a nervous laugh and held both of my hands in reassurance, " I was just joking. I wouldn't do a thing to you, without your permission"

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "Naruto-kun!"

".... -_- EEEEEEHHHH?!?!?", his eyebrow twitched.

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