Confusing Love

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~Chapter 11~ .:Confusing Love:.



Looks like someone is at the door. Super Sakura shall go and answer it! The music was still playing loudly as I ran downstairs to the door. I opened it and looked at the person who stood before me in shock. This person is....


Sakura's POV

I stared at the person who was in front of me. He looked extremely familiar but I can't figure out who he is! He looked!

I gulped. This cannot be Itachi. He looks I mentally slapped myself. It's Sasuke who I'm in love with! Not his older brother!

Itachi cleared his throat and disturbed me while I was in thoughts. He smiled at me brightly and pulled me into a hug,"Ah, Sakura-chan. You've grown"

I blushed and giggled. I was super happy that at least Itachi didn't forget me. Itachi and I were very close when we were young and we saw each other as siblings.

I looked up at Itachi,"Looks like you've grown up as well, big brother"

Itachi patted my head,"Oh, can you please lower your awful music down? I'd rather have you play my band's songs rather than Justin Beiber's"

I wasn't surprised at the fact that Itachi wanted me to play his band's songs because I knew he was in a band along with Sasuke.

I pouted,"It's not Justin Beiber, it's my husband, Vic Fuentes!"

Itachi lightly pulled my ear,"And I wasn't invited to your wedding? How dreadful, little sister"

I laughed,"Would you like to come inside?"

"Only after you turn your music down"

I sighed and ran up to my room. Instead of lowering the volume down, I turned my radio off. I then ran downstairs from my room to find that Itachi was laying on my couch watching tv.

I laughed and jumped on him,"Well your a respectful guest"

He laughed with me,"Indeed I am, little sister"

I then heard Sasuke's voice coming from the outside of my door,"You two done cuddling yet?"

I jumped off Itachi and gasped,"S-Sasuke-kun?"

Itachi stood up and sighed. He turned around and smiled gently at me,"I guess I'll see you later. bye beautiful", he then kissed my forehead.

I blushed and glance at Sasuke for a second. He looked a bit...mad. But why? Does he think that me and Itachi are...No! He mustn't think of us like that.

Itachi looked at Sasuke,"Well, let's go then"

Itachi left but Sasuke stood there in front of my door.

He finally spoke,"Let's take a walk on our park"

I noticed when he said "our". Does he mean that park that we used to always go when we were young? Does he finally remember me?...I'm sure he does.

I smiled brightly,"Let me just change!", I happily skipped upstairs and went into my room. As I closed the door I faintly heard Sasuke telling me not to take too long.

I quickly changed and ran back to the living room. I walked toward Sasuke and smiled,"Let's go"

I locked the door of my house after Sasuke walked out.

Sasuke spoke,"Hn, you seem excited"

We starting walking and I then replied,"Maybe because your starting to remember me"

Sasuke sighed,"I knew you. I just forgot about my past with you"

I raised my eyebrow, wondering why he sighed,"Is our friendship thing a bad thing?"

He looked thoughtful for a moment,"No...I don't mind. I never really had a friend that was a female"

"What about Karin?"

Sasuke shrugged,"I never considered her as a friend. She's more like a....uh...toy, I guess"

I nodded and looked away.

We finally reached to our destination: Our park. It was filled with bright green grass covered my multiple colored flowers on it. It looked like exactly the way it was.

I looked towards Sasuke and saw his eyes looking at me rather than the park.

He took me by the hand and led me towards the grass of flowers. We both sat on the ground and stared at each other for a while. I didn't know why. He was just very...mysterious. I feel like I don't know him completely, and surely I don't.

Sasuke let go of my hand,"I want to tell you something"

Sasuke's POV

I awkwardly held Sakura's hand, for no reason. What the hell? I feel like my body is controlling me rather than me controlling my body. It feels like my body wants to...stay close to Sakura.

Gah!! What's going on with my mind?! I'm not supposed to be all lovey dovey! God damn you Sakura for your pretty face!

Let's continue shall we? So I held her hand and was about to tell her something that was supposed to be a secret,"Sakura, since your the *gulp* closest friend I know", Sakura blushed and I did too,"I just wanted to say that me and Karin were engaged"

Her eyes widen then she ripped her hand off mines.

Man, I wish I hadn't said that, but I just felt that she should know.

She finally spoke,"S-so you broke the engagement"

I laid on the grass and sighed,"Nope. But I will soon. I haven't seen Karin since she cheated on me. Hopefully she forgets about me"

Sakura stayed quiet for a while and laid next to me,""

I smirked and looked at her,"Are you mocking me?"

Sakura shrugged and gave me that one smile that really warms up your heart. This face upon me is the one thing that can warm my heart (besides my mother).

She just continued smiling and started to play with my bangs. Her hand then gently touches my face. God her hand is so soft. I instantly grabbed her hand and placed on my face...sorta like a pillow. Sakura smiled again. I looked at her hair. It was long, about above her bottom. It was too attractive so I played with her hair with my free hand.

I can't do this anymore, I need to ask her on a date soon and I don't mean soon soon, I mean soon!

Right when I was going to ask her, the devil's daughter came in. Where did Karin come from? Was she stalking me.

Her ugly voice was heard just across from me and Sakura,"Sakura! Stay away from my fiancé!"

I face palmed and shook my head. Sakura looked at me and frowned. To comfort her I patted her head as I stood while she sat on the grass.

Karin was right there in front of me...looking like a nerd actually. I looked at her stomach, she hadn't changed much. I expected something in that belly of hers that would not be mine.

I sighed," Karin, Im breaking the engagement so please leave me alone and have a pleasant life"


Omg! 1,000 viewers?! Thanks guys! In return I'll give you this lengthy chapter that's all about Sasusaku. Next chapter will be on both, Sasusaku and Naruhina (Nejiten too). Anyways thank you for the comments and votes! Those really keep my spirit going on writing new chapters! Until then, bye bye!

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