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It had been a few days since we had found and rescued Angela from Harlequin and as expected she was in critical condition. We were lucky to get her back to Talwyn in time if we had been any later it would have been to late. Tal was shocked none the less when we told her who we found, but when told her of Angela's condition. She had become saddened then shocked. Tal did the best she could given the time and supplies she had and thankfully Angela was no longer in critical care.  However she still hasn't woken up.

So now all I can do is wait. Wait and hope that Kathryn and Flynn are okay, but waiting more easier said than done.

I sighed as set down my screwdriver and a pair of shotgun gauntlets onto my makeshift workbench. Stretching my arms I stare outside my window of my room onto the stars letting my mind drift. I think about Kat and Flynn first of course, then all that's happened in the past few days, but then I think of home, no not home, of Kiada, General Farron, and Leah. Oh Leah if she could see me now she'd be so disappointed with me. I know she would be.  She would say I was better than this, that I could've protected Kathryn and Flynn.  That I could've...

Sighing again I look at the now cold food that Talwyn had brought by around lunchtime. She tried to get me talking about something other than Angela or, but right now she's all I can focus on. She's my only hope to finding my friends and until she awakes I need to prepare for my next move. I needed to get back to work.

Picking up where I left off I grab my screwdriver and my gauntlets I was working on until I heard my door slide open. I paid no mind to my visitor until the jerk snatched my project. My concentration breaks and I look to see Ratchet giving me a serious look. I scowl at him in annoyance and reach up for my gauntlets but he pulls them away from my reach.

"Hahaha very funny Ratchet now give me back my gauntlets." I say reaching for them again only to for him to back into the door frame.  His serious look melts into one of teasing as he waves the gauntlets around. "If you want these back you'll follow me."

I glare at him, but stood anyway and began to follow him. Finally we reach the kitchen and of course waiting for us is dinner for the two of us.

I looked at Ratchet and then back towards the food. I thought about making a snarky comment but instead I went to go sit down to start eating. If I wanted my gauntlets back I knew Ratchet wouldn't give them back unless I ate. Of course the cocky lombax had to smirk in victory as he sat down to enjoy his meal.

"See how nice it is to be with company and eating a nice meal?" He said, after taking a few bites.

I looked at him in mid chew slightly irritated by his comment, but rather than give him grief or worse say something to cause a slight argument. I decided to ask him a question.

"Who made dinner?" I asked. 

"I did, it's one my favorite meals back from home."  He answered, sounding very proud of himself, which granted he had every right to be.  It was a very delicious meal, but he stole my gauntlets all teasing was very much deserved. "Could use some salt." I lied getting up for a drink. Immediately, he looked at me in shock as he takes another quick bite determining whether or not I was right.

"I seasoned it with salt there no way..." He stopped in mid sentence when he heard me pouring both myself and him a glass of water. He looked at me in mock anger.

I laughed as I set down our glasses of water.

"Aww did I hurt the poor kitty's feelings?" I said winking at him. He smiled playfully as I sat down. "No not at all, but in reality how is your meal." I looked at him as I smiled.

"Its delicious thank you and I'm sorry I've been distant lately. I've just been so stressed..."

"It's fine Roslyn I know...I want Angela to wake up soon to." He said as he took my hand giving it a squeeze.  The smile adorning my face became a bit smaller...more sadder allowing my emotions to show for a minute.   "Thanks Ratchet, but that doesn't excuse any of my actions.  You're worried about your friend and what kind of friend am I if I continue to ignore you and how you feel?"  He didn't say anything for a minute until his comforting smile becomes a smirk as he says.

"So we're officially friends?"  He asks, earning a chuckle as I roll my eyes at him.   "Of course, you would say that you dork, but to answer your question...yes we're officially friends.   And as I friends I have to ask...what's your past with Angela? Like how did you guys meet?"

"Haha where to begin? It's a pretty crazy story and besides you probably to get back to your project." He says nodding over to the gauntlets laying on the counter.  He wasn't wrong there I did want to get back to work, but my curiosity was getting the better of me.  Plus maybe this could to me learning more about Ratchet the guy from Veldin.  Not Ratchet the hero of the galaxy.

"True, but I think this story needs a cup of coffee and then afterwards maybe you help me with my projects. I'm kinda stuck on something that I think you can help me with." I said grabbing our finished plates to clean them.

He smiles softly then stands up to help me with the dishes.

"Alright but it's defiantly a crazy story. Involving science experiments, heroes in disguise, and many other crazy events." He said grabbing a drying towel. I hand him a clean plate as I smiled at him. "I think I can keep up." I said, winking earning a playful shove to my shoulder.  

"It was right after Clank and I had just finished an interview.  We were suddenly transported to space ship by some right rich business tycoon by the name of Abercrombie Fizzwidget..."

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