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Chapter 20: Whatever it Takes

The bullet missed his head but instead ricochets off the chains hitting the same knee I shot at the very beginning of this journey.
Flynn in a fit of anger grabbed it falling onto his back cursing up a storm.
" What the f**k Rosie!? That hurt like hell and the same knee! Are kidding me!?" My friend shouted out native tongue.   To think all it could take was an injury to jog his memory.   Still, I couldn't even believe what was happening before me. So much so all I could say was meek little sorry to his outburst.
"Sorry? Is all you got to say for your so-" he stopped talking once he looked at me.  The cloud of confusion melted into recognition as his eyes began to water.    He stood up with a little bit of trouble. I rushed over to help him but engulfed me in a hug.
"I knew you'd find me." He whispered making me smile as I return his embrace. It was then he noticed Ratchet. Letting me go I helped him to his feet.
"Who's this guy? A boyfriend?" He asked nonchalantly.  Even though Ratchet couldn't understand a word Flynn was saying it didn't stop my neck from getting hot and a small light blush forming on my face.  I elbow Flynn in his gut in my embarrassment making the boy fall to his knees.  He groans asking what my problem was but  I silence him handing over a nav-unit, only slightly more advanced thanks to a slight bit of tinkering by yours truly and a bottle filled with nanotech.
Putting the gear on and drinking the nanotech. Flynn begins to speak but immediately stops when the nav-unit begins to translate his words.
"What the hell is this thing? Why do I sound so robotic?"
Drinking my own bottle of nanotech feeling it heal my throat before answering him.
"It called a nav-unit. Only I tweaked it just a little to translate our native language so this one here can understand you and vice versa. That way I'm not stuck translating you or the rest of the world for you... As for the voice well, I'll change that when we get outta here. Oh and Flynn this is my friend Ratchet. Ratchet this is Flynn."
The two look at each other shaking hands as Flynn apologizes for attacking him. Remember the other toys I made I grab the pair of gauntlets and hand them to Flynn.
"Put these on. We're not outta this yet."
As Flynn does so the announcer orders us to get back to killing each other. We stand our ground in silent refusal, but that only angered the crowd and who it was that ran this place.   Soon enough a small pack of Argorians armed to the teeth enter the arena thirsty for blood. 
"And that's not going to be the only pack." I thought, reaching in my pocket I hand the boys a small bulky wristband.
Putting my own on I begin to explain my plan.
"We can't fight them all. They just send more. The best thing to do is to clear a path to the edge of the platform."
"Okay, then what?  If you haven't noticed we still have no way of getting off this thing without falling to our deaths!" Ratchet exclaimed.
I smirk raising up my wristband.
"That's where the babies come in."
"Roslyn, this is crazy!" He cried. earning only a fit of laughter from Flynn, ready and willing to follow.   It was good to have him with me again.   
"Crazy is Rosie's middle name. If she wasn't this probably wouldn't work."  Ratchet looked between the two of us in bewilderment and groaned as he rolled his eyes.
"Correction you're both crazy!"  He cried earning only a smirk from me before I charge towards the Argorians, who only roared in anger. 

" Just follow my lead!"  I call out. 

Taking out the first few Argorians out by causing them to knock each other out I come across a slightly bigger one with a battle-ax.
He roars before swinging his ax down towards me. I backflipped onto all fours before leaping onto his back and jumping off away from the danger.
I twist my body to see the horrified looks come across both Ratchet and Flynn's faces. Offering a calm smile I point at my wristband before pressing a button that released a small capsule. Pointing at the entrance.
"Think of where you want to go." I mouthed before crushing the capsule in my hand.
Instantly I vanished into thin air making the entire arena gasp at my disappearance.  But when I arrived at my destination the crowd cheered at the show as more Argorians came to face me.  Standing between me and my may out. 
Cracking my knuckles I grabbed my omniwrech with a smirk at the snarling pack before me.   

"Let's dance, boys!" I taunt rushing towards the first of many Argorians.  
~3rd POV~
Ratchet and Flynn couldn't believe their eyes. One moment she was there and the next gone in a flash.
"It's like a small dimensionator only for a short distance," Ratchet says still shocked.
Flynn shakes out of his surprise and slaps Ratchet's shoulder.
"Yeah that's Rosie for you, always tinkering."
Ratchet smiles up to see her fighting ahead of him. Looking fierce and well beautiful. Feeling a slight blush coming onto his cheeks he rubs his neck before focusing on the task at hand.
"Well, Flynn ready for a little payback," Ratchet says readying his wrench. Flynn pounds his fist together before getting into stance.
"Hell yeah been waiting for this moment." Rushing forward Flynn punches an Argorian straight outta the ring into the crowd causing them to go wild.
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed before smirking at the rest.
"Ohhhhhh you guys are in trouble." He says before charging again. Ratchet wasting no time pulls out a groovitron causing the Argorians to unwillingly break out into dance.  Flynn was definitely confused but used to his advantage clearing a path for both himself and Ratchet.
Once they were free the two leaped off mimicking Roslyn's movements. They land a little ways away from Roslyn, who had just finished off the last Argorian throwing him over into the darkness.  The crowd at this point had turned in favor of Roslyn and the others which probably wasn't a bad thing per se.  Still, they needed to get out of here. 
"What took you guys so long?" Roslyn asked swinging her wrench onto her shoulder.
Ratchet looked in awe. As the word beautiful kept creeping in his brain. He couldn't help it with how she stood there with confidence. Flynn could see how he looked at her immediately he smirked before answering.
"Well, Ratchet was taking too long ogling over y-."
However, Flynn couldn't finish his sentence when blaster bullets were heading straight for them.
They leaped out of the line of fire.
"Maybe we should get the hell outta here," Roslyn suggests as she ran towards the exit where Qwark and Clank were waiting for them.
"Run and live. Sounds like a plan." Flynn follows behind with Ratchet in tow.
Quickly reaching the ships, Qwark in his, Ratchet and Clank in Aphelion, and Roslyn and Flynn in Samus each one quickly fled the scene with other enemy starships on the tail.
~ Roslyn POV ~
"Well so much for getting outta here quietly!" I shout as I barrel roll out the line of fire.
"So how do we want to do this?" Ratchet said I could hear his guns firing.
"Well seeing how you and Roslyn have this Ratchet I think I'll just..."
" Qwark you can't be seriou-." I began to shout but of course...
"Qwark out."
He left anyway.
"Did he seriously just do that?" Flynn asked.
"Would you believe me if I said he was a president?" I asked.
"Are you kidding me?! You guys voted for him!" Flynn shouted.
"For your information, I didn't vote for him!" Ratchet shouted.
"Boys enough about Qwark! We got to get the hell out of here or we will be blown to bits." I say shooting enemy ships in my path.
"Roslyn is right. Our best chance for survival would be to use your warp drives." Clank says over the intercom. 
"Samus how long till we could make a jump?" I ask her. 
"I'm ready to go baby."
"Ratchet?" I ask switching from evasive maneuvers.
"Let's get the hell out of here." We both lift our latches ready to make a jump.
"Look at those bastards fleeing. Just because you're making a jump." Flynn cheers buckling up making me laugh as I'm flipping the final switch to initiate the jump.
"It's good to have you back Flynn."

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