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 ~ Chapter 16 ~ Escape Route

It wasn't too shocking to find some else within the cell. It was a bit shocking to find another Lombax besides Kathryn, Flynn, Ratchet, and myself. But it was utterly surprising to me to discover it was someone Ratchet had known.   Without even a second thought he was already by her trying to get her to at the very least open her eyes.   I was still standing by the entrance, trying to normalize this new information.   I figured I would find a few lombaxes, but the fact that Ratchet and Angela knew each other was probably one in a million chance.  As I was curious about their past...that wasn't the main question in my mind.  

What crept creeping into my mind was that someone was trying to capture lombaxes and not for petty cash either.    The Captain above struck me as someone who was incredibly smart, which was leading me to believing she wasn't the one behind this...but their was no way of knowing without asking her.  

Which in thought is a really stupid idea.   Plus even if we did go back and try to get some information out of her, we had someone to consider. 

Angela was in a very poor condition.  I'm surprised she's still even breathing.   That is if you could call wheezing, breathing.   She needed a doctor and soon. 

"Ratchet we need to get her out of here otherwise she..." I didn't finish my sentence. There was no need to and Ratchet understood that.

He sighed as he stood up while getting out his blaster.

"Roslyn if you can, carry Angela. I'll cover the both of you and make sure we make it Samus and Aphelion safely. "

I wanted to argue with him about his plan. That he was taking an unnecessary risk to possibly getting killed, however he was feeling a mixture of emotions I knew all to well. Even now that feeling of anger, fear, and revenge was coursing through my veins. Knowing all this and adding the fact that this was personal for him, I knew better than to stand in his way. 

"Alright but don't do anything reckless." I said lifting Angela into my arms. He chuckled as he teasingly smiled.

"Says the one who dove in head first in a fight with the Valkaries."

"I didn't die. Plus I had that under control. Joking aside I mean it Ratchet. Be careful."

"Aw you worried about me?" He said bring his blaster to his shoulder. 

"No, Clank will be with you and I'd hate for something to happen to him." I joked as I started making my way towards the hallway of the ship. Leaving Ratchet behind as Clank was laughing at him.

It was fairly difficult not to get shot by a pirate when carrying an unconscious Lombax. Thankfully Ratchet was always right behind me. There for me if I needed it. When we reached the deck of the ship we hoped their was nothing opposing waiting for us, but as luck would have it. The Captain was waiting for us with her pistol in hand, aiming it at out heads.

She laughed maniacally as we glared at her. Clank had already sent the signals to our ships. All that mattered was surviving this crazy woman.

"Well look what we have here. My newest pet, my profit, and the famous Ratchet and Clank all trying to escape, how cute. But I've forgotten my manners. Captain Scarlet Harlequin at your service."

She bowed dramatically as she introduced herself. Her voice dripped of sarcasm. 

"So now that we all know each other." She shot her blaster at us but nothing came out of the barrel of the gun. She began to laugh again.

"Hahaha you should've seen your faces. The looks you gave were priceless. But all joking aside-" Suddenly her laughter changed abruptly to a menacing scowl.

"-you really shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you."

She aimed another blaster at us and this time fired at out feet giving a warning shot.

"So how about you forfeit and simply allow me to sell you to my employer so I can walk away rich."

"So is that what you did to my friends you crazy clown?!" I shouted at her making her grin wickedly.

"So you speak our language. Well then I'll have to triple the price on you my pet and as for your friends. I don't even care enough to remember where they are."

Immediately I let go of Angela only to sprint towards Harlequin with the intent to kill her. She playfully smirked as she dodged my attack with ease only to kick me hard in my gut to send me flying into a wall close to everyone.

"Haha oh your so much fun to watch as you squirm in pain." She spoke as she walked towards me. "Either physically or mentally your very entraining kitty cat. Although you did just try to kill me." She then lifts me by my throat carefully leaving me enough room to still breath, but I still feel discomfort.

She held her blaster to my head as her cold amber eyes met mine.

"So I suppose you get the easy way out my-"

She never got to finish her sentence as one Samus's lasers shot at her. She quickly let me go and began to shoot at the Samus as Ratchet quickly loaded Anglea into Aphelion.

Taking my chance I leaped off onto ratchets ship holding on for dear life onto Aphelions wings as we fled. Away from Harlequin and maybe just maybe towards a new heading to where Kathryn and Flynn could be. I only could pray they where alright.

~ 3rd POV ~

Harlequin watched as her prizes fled from her. Anger settled within her circuitry knowing she had been bested. But of course their had to be that one idiot who had to remind her of her failure.

"Captain, I liked to report that the lombaxes have gotten away."

She gave a sour look at the pirate as he stood proud saluting towards her. Which only pissed her off even further.

"Thank ye but" She thrust her hand within his chest grasping his 'heart'. "ye caught me on a very foul mood and I don't need an idiot to tell me the obvious. So I'm afraid I'll have to let ye go."

With that she pulled out his 'heart' allowing him to fall to the ground into a pile of useless rubble. Looking at it with disgust she tossed it away from her then resulted to whipping her hands from the oil on the rags of the dead pirate. What did it matter to her anyway his clothes where no longer of use to him.

"Captain ye have a visitor in your state room and she requests you see her now." Her first mate Mr. Flint said as he approached her.

Harlequin scowled at the thought of dealing with 'her' again, but in a business you have to do what must be done.

"Very well and clean up this mess Mr. Flint. Also make sure I'm not disturbed for the rest of the evening."

"Yes ma'am." Her first mate replied.

Once he began his work Harlequin looked upon the dead pirate realizing she had no idea of what his name was.

"Oh well idiots are easy to replace." She thought as she headed to her stateroom to discuss business with her visitor. 

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