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~ Chapter 8 ~ No Sound but The Wind

Ardolis Early Afternoon

"Ratchet! Clank!" I shout over the rising wind from the snow storm beginning to develop. "Answer Me!" I've been searching for them the past fifteen minutes and so far all I've run into is snow, ice, and wind.

"If this place was completely abandoned why tell me to stay behind? Why not come back?" I continue trudging through the snow wrapping my arms around my torso.

"Ratch-!" My voice breaks and I start feeling light headed and cold.

"I can't help them if I freeze to death." I look around until I finally spot a cave about five feet away. "That should work. I'll wait until the storm passes."

Once I reach the inside of the cave I sit down bringing my knees to my chest. Rubbing my throat I look around my surroundings. There was a wet wood pile and bones sitting close to the mouth of the cave. Inside the deep caverns of cave was just pitch black.

"Nothing much of use." I feel the remnants of the icy wind slip through the mouth of the cave. I begin to shiver but I try fighting off the cold.

"Samus must be worried sick by now." I listen to the wind howl as the storm picks up and begins it peak until it dies in it's last moments. Even though I wasn't panicking I still felt uneasy.

"What is I can't find them? What if they're- Easy girl you've got to calm down panicking and getting upset isn't going to make finding Ratchet and Clank any easier. Think and come up with a plan. General Farron taught you better." I bury head into my knees and try to think.

"Lets see I have a double sided wrench, a flare, tracking device, and an omniblaster." I tell myself. "The flare won't be much use if I don't find them. The wrench and my blaster was really on for me to use incase I ran into someone who decided to look for a fight. But the tracking device might work. If it works I could try linking to Ratchet's nav-unit. Why didn't I try that earlier? Oh wait I was panicking." I take out the tracking device and set it down. Turning it on I wait for it to find anything on the radar. So far nothing.

"Maybe the frequency isn't right." I mess with the frequency until finally it picks up a nav-unit about 1/2 mile away. I smirk seeing the dot. "Got you."

I get up and look out the mouth of the cave hoping to find the storm had passed and it has. I go back and grab the tracking device heading back out into ,ironically, the winter wonderland. The wind had died down and the heavy snow fall had turn into a light dusting. I begin my trudge again but this time with little difficultly of seeing through the terrain and getting through the slush. As I get closer to the possible location I turn off the device making sure to had enough power for me to use to find those ejector seats. Once it were off I shout out their names.

"Ratchet! Clank!"

I get no answer and again my nerves get restless again until I get a response.

"Roslyn?!" The answer was faint but it wasn't far.

"Ratchet!" I call again and this time Ratchet's voice was becoming clearer as he answered me again.

I began following the voice until finally he's there in my vision calling out to me. I don't say anything and I don't run towards him. Instead I stare at the empty ejector seats behind him that had not been moved.

I fall to my knees and let my tears fall freely.

"They went looking for those things by themselves. Those stupid knuckleheads."

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