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~ Chapter 13 ~ Ready Aim Fire
The flight to Kerwan felt everlasting, especially to Ratchet. Qwark had flown back to Metroplois claiming there was something he needed to do there. Which was fine with me. After seeing how 'useful' he was in Stratus City I could understand why Ratchet and the others racked how they did. Even though we flying in different ships I could tell he was beyond stressed over the situation. Especially when he wouldn't answer me when I would try to get him to talk to me. When we arrived things weren't looking to good. There was no telling how many casualties there were from the looks of things. Most of the buildings were still standing but the terrified screams that could be heard through Samus's window didn't sit well with me. Overall the entire town was in complete chaos. It didn't surprise me when Ratchet halo jumped out of Aphelion, but just when I was about to jump myself. Ratchet's voice was suddenly there.
"Roslyn." His tone was different when he spoke to me. It held an authority that I hadn't heard since my days in the guard. It surprised me at first, but I shook it off.
"Roslyn here. What do you need?"
"I need you to stay in Samus and fight the oncoming ships and prevent anyone else to land."
I could here shots being fired as he spoke and it worried me to no end. Usually I would've ignored an order like that, but I don't know the terrain very well and would only slow Ratchet down. Making my decision I strap back in turning all the weapons. Curling my fingers around the steering wheel I answer him back.
"Copy that, but you better understand the moment you start having trouble I'm coming down there to save you."
It's silent for a moment, but I suddenly here a chuckle through the gun fire.
"I expect nothing else from you Roslyn and thank you."
A small smile graces my lips, but I focus on the task before me allowing my smile to become a smirk.
"Ready for a little pay back Samus?"
"You better believe it baby!"
Slamming my foot on the gas pedal Samus sped off into the aerial fleet before us.
It was a long process and it felt like I wasn't doing much to help Ratchet or his home planet, but I knew better. One by one the Space Pirate armada was dwindling. When it felt like they were going to retreat Samus was suddenly shaking and and we were heading towards the ground fast.
"Samus what happened?" I shouted.
"I don't know baby, but this sensation feels familiar!"
"It feels familiar?!" I asked, but didn't' wait for a reply. Reacting quickly I pulled on Samus's controls pulling us up into the air again. Catching my breath I finally hear Ratchet's voice.
"Roslyn! Come in! Do you hear me?!" His voice sounded frantic when he spoke.
"Roslyn to Ratchet. I hear you."
"Are you okay? We just saw you and Samus falling out of the sky!"
"We're fine just a little slip up."
There was a small amount of silence,even though gunfire could still be heard , but that was long enough for me to notice a ship. And it wasn't just any ship it was the ship that attacked me when we first arrived. I could feel my blood boiling as I saw the ship leaving the area. I wanted nothing more than shoot that damn ship out of the sky, but the back of my thoughts fled to Kat and Flynn. And even more so to the possible damage it could add to Ratchet's hometown.
But I still kept my aim steady as I fired one shot at the ship. Just one shot that would make all the difference.
An untraceable tracker that would plant itself on the side of the ship.
Watching the ship flee, I land Samus close to where Ratchet and Clank were.
Jumping out of the cockpit I see them coming to meet me.
"Are you okay?" He shouted since he was still a little ways away.
I waited till he was closer to give a reply.
"Better than you. You look terrible." He really did, his cloths were torn in some places and his fur was matted with oil, dirt, and blood,his I presumed.
"Oh you should see the other guy. I just need to clean up. "
I shake my head laughing a bit and ask clank how he is and as usual he's fine.
Thankfully the town was good shape as well. There were casualties as expected, but not as many I had expected there to be.
Since we decided to stay awhile and help rebuild some the town and give Ratchet time to clean up it was nightfall by the time we were done with what we could do. Clank had decided to stay with the ships and wait till we were done.
Ratchet and I were walking back to Samus, Clank, and Aphelion after Ratchet had said his goodbyes. As we were walking back a I could feel adrenaline starting to course through my viens. Ratchet could see it too especially when I had a smile on my face.
"What are you so happy about?"
I look at him even wider. Then immediately I start running towards the ships.
"Hey wait up!"
I could hear him running while asking me why I was running towards the ships.
I stop for a minute then turned around to look at him.
"I'm not running towards the ships." I shout at him since he's still a ways away. He stops looking at me with confused expression.
"I'm running towards Kathryn and Flynn."

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