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~ Chapter 4 ~ A Chance Meeting

~ Third P.O.V. ~

Apogee Space Station - 6:32 a.m.

Ratchet and Clank arrived at the space station as fast as they could but due to a surprise meteor shower, they didn't arrive as early as they had hoped.

Ratchet hopped out of Aphelion with Clank following after landing on Ratchet's back in his usual traveling form whenever the two best friends went on an adventure.

Ratchet climb back into his ship taking out a toolbox and a backpack that carried a few big containers filled with nanotech. As he throws the backpack he accidentally covers Clank causing his friend to struggle with discomfort.

"Ratchet!" Clanks muffled voice shouts as he continues to move Ratchet looks over his shoulder realizing his mistake.

"Oh sorry, pal!" He takes the bag and places it on the ground. "I just got my mind elsewhere."

"I know you are concerned for the pilot of the lombax ship Ratchet, but we have to remember that the pilot could possibly not be a Lombax."

Ratchet smiles grimly knowing Clank was right, but that didn't mean that the idea could be completely tarnished. He grabs both the toolbox and the bag filled with nanotech and begins walking towards the entrance.

"But there is a possibility pal. I mean what if it's Angela? She was reported to be missing a few years back, remember?"

Clank sighs.

"I remember Ratchet, but the possibility of the pilot being Angela is-"

"Look there's Cronk and Zeph!"

Ratchet runs towards the two friendly robots greeting them both.

"Cronk! Zephyr!"

The two old coots turn around to see their favorite Lombax.

"What took you so long Rookie?" Cronk asked as Ratchet stopped in front of the two.

"Sorry we ran into a meteor shower on the way here, but we made it and with the nanotech safe and sound." Ratchet showed off the bag that held the nanotech with pride, but it was quickly taken by an exhausted-looking Talwyn Apogee.

"Soooo how's the pilot?" Ratchet asked trying to break the ice.

"She'll be better once I get this into her." She said referring to the nanotech as she began to walk away. The boys quickly followed after her.

There was an awkward silence between the Ratchet and Talwyn while the three robots were catching up with each other. Especially since Ratchet recently broke up with Talwyn and honestly it wasn't one of Ratchet's cleanest breakups that he's ever done since Talwyn decided to lock all of the space station's weapons onto the little heartbreaker as he fled from the scene. Ratchet knew Talwyn was still angry with him, but that didn't mean she would withhold information about a lombax ship sighting from him. And that was something he knew he would have to thank her for later.

When they reached the infirmary Talwyn looked at Ratchet nodding her head to follow her. He did as Clank hopped off leaving the two alone for a moment. Ratchet watches his surroundings as he walks into the infirmary but as soon as his eyes land on the battered pilot felt his feet immediately go towards her.

"So I was right. It's a lombax." Ratchet looks at the lombax scanning every detail he could process before anything could stop him.

Her fur was silver that almost appeared white while her stripes were a deep crimson. Ratchet could tell the Lombax had been through some traumatic experience because of all the bandages that were on her face and arms. He cupped her face gently as he still held his gaze. Whoever this Lombax was he couldn't deny she was beautiful even with all the injuries. Ratchet took his hand away from her face and closed his eyes.

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