The Ballad of Angela Cross

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~ Chapter 18 ~ The Ballad of Angela Cross

It was in the middle of the night when Talwyn came into my room.   Shaking me awake she tells me Angela had finally woken up.   Of course, still being half asleep I thought this was just another one of my reoccurring dreams.   Yet the moment Tal assured me I wasn't dreaming, I wasted no time to rush out the door with Tal right behind me.

"How long ago did she wake up?" I asked, quickly walking down the hallway. 

"It was about an hour ago. Thankfully I was in the room when she opened her eyes. She thought she was in danger and threatened to kill me."

"Well to be fair if the last thing I remembered was a psychopathic pirate, who wanted to sell me, and beat me till I was close to death. I would probably react the same way. No offense." I joke earning a playful glare from the Markazian.  

Tal opened her mouth to say more but once we heard laughter coming from the spare room that we had put Angela in. Our conversation ceased at once.  The door slid open to reveal Ratchet and Clank sitting by Angela's bed as the three were catching up with each other lives.  No doubt enjoying the small peace and tranquility.   But once they took notice of myself and Tal The three stopped their conversation and laughter died completely.    Both Ratchet and Clank smiled at the both of us all the while Angela kept her wide gaze trained on me.   She opened her mouth to speak, but the poor thing couldn't form any words.

"You're a..a-"

"Lombax. Yes, I am." I confirmed offering her a small smile.  She in turn returns it fully, but it was hard to note she was more excited than happy.    Not that I could blame her,  she and Ratchet both have been the last two Lombaxes in this dimension for a long time.  At least from their knowledge.  Knowing that this experience has to be exciting for her!  Hell...even comforting knowing she or Ratchet for that matter aren't alone.   At least not anymore. 

"You're from the other dimension?" She asked trying to contain her excitement, but once I nodded answering her question.  Her blue eyes lit up and her already wonderful smile became even larger.    She took a quick moment to breathe I assume to calm herself, but she totally did next took me by surprise. 

"Hello, my name is Angela Cross. It's nice to meet you."  

She was speaking Lombax...fluently!  I expected a few minor pronunciation errors, but she practically nailed it.   Ratchet and Talwyn eyes also widen as much as mine, Ratchet even more so.   It took me a moment to recover, but once I did.  I made sure to introduce myself also in our native tongue. 

"Hello, Angela it's very nice to meet you as well. My name is Roslyn. I have to say your Lombax is very spot on."   

"Right?!" Tal added to the conversation. "I didn't think you could speak it so well!"  This made the female Lombax rub the back of her head completely flustered by the compliments.  While poor Ratchet looked completely confused as to what was happening. 

"Hey guys I love to hear our native tongue as much as the next guy, but I can't really add to the conversation if I can't understand you three." Ratchet says sheepishly.

Angela, Talwyn, and I giggle after Anglea makes a joke claiming how he would be lost even he could understand.  Which only made the poor man glare playfully at us.  Already, I could tell Angela and I were gonna be good friends already.

"Hey what did she say?" Ratchet asked accusingly.  Giving us all a nonserious pointed stare which only made us giggle even more. 

"Oh, nothing just girl talk," I say trying to stop my fits of laughter, but Ratchet ain't buying it.   Still, he lets our jabs at him slide just this once.   Soon the giggles fade and all the merriment switches into a more serious tone. 

"But all silliness aside I was hoping you could tell us what happened to you, Angela?" I asked, this time being sure to include Ratchet into the conversation.   He had to of been if not more curious how Angela had crossed paths with Captian Harlequinn.

Angela's smile immediately begins to fade as she looks down at her hands gripping the edge of her blanket. Ratchet senses her hesitation and places his hand on top of her in a comforting manner.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." He says keeping his voice soft making her smile at his concern.    She doesn't say anything immediately and I begin to think that perhaps this wasn't the right time to ask such a heavy question.  Especially after she just woke up.    I open my mouth to apologize for my insensitiveness, Angela begins to speak.   We all made sure to remain quiet and patient as we listened to her tale. 

"When Tachyon rose to power,"  She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts then continued to speak, "he went after me.   Eventually, I made refuge in Kerchu City on Polaris. But when I caught word that Ratchet had vanquished Tachyon I decided to stay in hiding for two reasons. One: In case there was anyone out there still hunting Lombaxes. Two: Because of the peace I was living in. There was no fighting, no surviving, just me and peace."

She stopped and waited for a minute.  I assumed it was because she was expecting questions, but when no one raised any question or comment.  She continued her tale. 

"But then Harlequin came, attacking Kerchu City. She took hostages claiming she would kill them all if I didn't give myself up and well you probably can guess the rest." She mumbled the bit, probably ashamed she couldn't do more for the people of Kerchu.  But putting myself in that scenario...I couldn't see any other way to assure the safety of innocent people.  Rather than be ashamed of her actions...she truly should be proud of herself.    

"How long ago was all this?" Ratchet asked her. 

"Ten days ago."

"That's just around the time we arrived in this dimension." I think as I start to put the pieces of the puzzle together. 

Harlequin had just captured Angela and was heading back to Merdegraw.  All seems fine and well.  Then an unknown lombax ship arrives out of nowhere so she attacks it thinking there must be something profitable and behold she captures two more lombaxes to do whatever she with them.

"Two days after you were captured two lombaxes were brought to the cells weren't they?" I asked.

"Yes. Although at first, I thought it was Ratchet with another lombax, but when the two were speaking our native language, I realized that they not from around here.  The girl was very kind to me, but I got never got hers or her friend's name."

"Their names were Kathryn and Flynn. They're my best friends." I said slowly trying hard to keep my voice even, but the sting of not finding them at Quinn's ship still hurt. 

"I'm... so sorry." She apologized feeling the gravity of my sorrow, but I didn't even acknowledge it.  Rather I shifted back to them. 

"It's not your fault, but if you can tell me,  do you what happened to them?"

"I don't know what happened to Kathryn." She answered. "One day she was there and the next she was gone. As for Flynn, I heard the pirates discussing about selling a prisoner for bolts. To a place called The Black Hole."    In my mind, I tried to think if I had read about such a place in my history books, but nothing came to mind.    At least not for the Polaris galaxy. 

"What is The Black Hole?" I asked, hoping for an answer, but when none was provided my ears slumped. At least it's something. However, it seemed the universe was still definitely dealing me a bad hand.   Ratchet opened to say something, I assume reassuring, but he was quickly interrupted by a small beeping noise coming from Clank.   He quickly pressed a button and his breastplate began to turn into a monitor. 

"Incoming message from Captain Qwark," Clank said.

" Ratchet, Clank, Roslyn, I've managed to infiltrate into this coliseum called The Black Hole. They're holding a tournament that you guys might be interested in."

"Of course he finds it." I heard Ratchet say, but we all shush him earning an eye roll from the male lombax.

"I'll send you the coordinates el pronto!" 

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