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We weren't sure who we would be meeting beyond the large double doors. Even Kathryn, who had been held in captivity by this lunatic for some time now, had no clue who we were dealing with.

"He always sent his butler to talk to me." She whispered in response to Ratchet's question. "A rather polite robot if you ask me." It was then that a wave of shock and realization washed over Ratchet and Clank.

"Does his name happen to be Lawrence by chance? " Clank asked.

"Yeah... how did you know?"

"Oh, y'know old nemeses and all that. It's a hero thing." Ratchet replied dismissively, making us all roll our eyes at him.

"More like a you thing," Angela added as an attack on Ratchet's boast and we couldn't help but snicker under our breaths at his expense. Ratchet tried to act upset, but none could deny the small smile adjourning his face. I couldn't say the same for everyone else, but it did provide some comfort to my heart knowing we were all trying to keep the morale high between us.

We turned a corner to a short hallway that led to a large door, which I could only guess would be the bridge of the Nova Cannon. It wouldn't be easy, but if I could somehow get us to the front where hopefully the windows would be, I could send Samus an SOS location signal and we could get the hell out of here. Alive too, hopefully.

"Alright, kitty-cats," Harlequinn called out to gain our attention. "Keep your traps shut unless spoken to. Any one of ye lets their tongue run and I'll cut it right out of yer maw, savvy?" She then nodded her head toward two of her goons, who were standing beside me. They mirrored the gesture and took me by the arm, separating me from the rest of the group. Ratchet tried to step forward in an effort to keep me close, but a set of blasters aimed in his direction forced him to back off. He glared as he stepped back in line. I on the other hand was struggling immensely to get away.

"What's the idea?" I yelled as the goons tightened their grip on me as Quinn grinned watching my feeble attempts.

"The good Doctor wants you specifically since you can give 'im what he wants." She answered.

"And what does Nefarious want with the Dimensionator?" Ratchet asked, glaring at Quinn whose smile grew more wicked at his question.

"Ask 'em yerself, but I'd be careful. Doctor Nefarious wasn't too keen on keepin' ye alive." With that, she turned around as the double doors of the bridge hissed before they slowly slid open. They parted to reveal only the pop princess/diva herself, Courtney Gears, without Dr. Nefarious. Gears glared at each of us and crossed in her arms showing her displeasure of seeing us all still alive, but she raised an eyebrow when she noticed that Flynn was still among us.

"Quinn, didn't that sleazy Imp want his champion back?" She asked as we were forced into the large spacious bridge, which did have a large window for a back wall. Beyond, it showed the vast expanse of the old ship graveyard; a grim and tragic and yet oddly beautiful remnant of the great war. Hard to believe that this very room was where the war most likely ended. If it wasn't for the impending doom looming over our heads at the moment, I'd have loved to explore it further if only for the historical value.

"Aye love, but then a couple of leviathans caught his eye." Quinn half-lied with a smirk. "He said he would collect his champion afterward."

Gears, stupidly enough, bought the tale as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. She then examined her nails, no longer interested in what Quinn had to say about Hades, who had probably already become leviathan lunch at this point.

"That idiot's gonna get eaten." She sighed.

"Well, who are we as women to deny a man's guilty pleasures, eh? Speaking of, where is the good doctor? I figured he'd be here relishing in his victory."

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