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~ Chapter 15 ~ Plan the Escape
Phase 2: Raise some hell. That was the plan.
Translation gain the pirates attention so all focus would be me and not on Ratchet.
Of course the plan worked, but I didn't expect them to capture me so easily. So here I am being practically dragged by me feet, blaster pointed at my head, to who I hoped would be the captain. I felt Ratchets eyes on me as we entered a giant control room that had a chair facing away from us surrounded by jewels and bolts.
"Cap'in we ave ourselves a stowaway." The pirate to my right said. While the other pirates snickered and eyed me as if I was some prize to be won. It sent shivers down my spine.
But when the captain turned around and stood up to get a look at me I felt true terror course through me.
The captain was obviously a she due to her curvaceous figure and highly sexual clothing that exposed her copper 'skin'. Her lips were a red as blood and her 'hair' was made of wires that twisted into dreadlocks. She carried an arsenal of guns with her, but that wasn't what terrified me.
It was her soulless golden eyes that stared right into me blue ones. As she walked towards me.
"And not just any stowaway." Her voice sounded like silk but you could still hear the malice in it. When she was a only a few feet away from she softly petted the top of my head.
"A lombax stowaway." She chuckled darkly then continued to speak.
"I wonder if your like the others we found earlier. It's a shame you've got some nicks on your fur. Otherwise you'd make a wonderful fur coat."
That sentence right there drew the line.
I cursed that devil woman in lombax that it would make a pirate blush. I was thankful that Ratchet couldn't understand me or that Leah, Kathrine, or Flynn could witness it. In fact it shocked me a little.
But the Captain didn't seemed fazed intact she looked a little excited about it, but that didn't stop her from slapping me hard across the face to shut me up. In fact she slapped so hard it put my in a daze.
She then held my chin in a tight grip that I knew was going to bruise later. I couldn't focus on her words that were spoken to me. She seemed to notice that because immediately I felt something shocking my side making me scream painfully.
She grabs my chin again laughing insanely. When she began to speak again I could understand her perfectly.
"Tsk tsk tsk. We're are your manners you should know by now to listen when spoken to, but as I was saying before you've got a fine fire within you. Its shame we have to snuff it out before we give you away. On well enjoy your stay little lombax."
She nods her head towards herself signaling someone to come and take away.
I prepared myself for a tight grip but the person whoever it was gently grabbed my forearm leading me to the prison cell. Once we were far away enough Clank was the one who spoke to me first causing me instantly to smile.
"Are you alright Miss Roslyn?"
"A little ruffed up but I'll be okay." I said trying to reassure them, but Ratchet was having none of it.
Even when he changed back to his normal form he still held my forearm looking at the already forming bruise on my chin.
"Ratchet I'm fi-." He gently grazed my chin but that was enough to make me cringe at the shot of pain.
"Don't tell me you trust me and then lie about your pain." He whispered loud enough for me to hear. "I want to....never mind forget it. Let's go." He started walking away with Clank inhis usual place leaving me slightly flustered. Quickly after pulling myself together I followed after him.
Once we reach out destination I couldn't help but feel excited thinking of how close we where to Kat and Flynn. But once we opened the door it seemed the universe still had a few more jokes to tell because they weren't here.
Instead we found someone else....
...that Ratchet knew.

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