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Chapter 24 ~ Walking the Wire

Ratchet at first was completely silent. He didn't even look at me. Rather he continually kept his wide-eyed gaze don Alister's statue. Had it really been that much of a shock? Then again when I first learned I was silent too. But then I was angry....for a really long time.

What if he was...

Suddenly Ratchet began to chuckle until he was full-on laughing as my mouth dropped completely surprised.

I knew he would react but of all reactions this was definitely on the bottom of the list. Did he think I was kidding?

"What...what is so funny?" I asked confused.

"I- I'm s-sorry. I promise I believe you." He stuttered through his chuckling.

"Then why are you laughing?" I asked trying not to join in his ridiculous reaction but it didn't help that I was smiling along. His joy was rubbing off on me. When his laughter finally subsided, he began to explain.

"The universe has an interesting sense of humor. I gave up looking for the Lombaxes Lombaxes a while ago. Ready to live in this dimension for the rest of my life as the last one. But then you show up out of nowhere with your friends and drag me into this crazy adventure. And just when I think you can't surprise me anymore.... Bam your Alister Azimuth's daughter."

He was still smiling when he stopped talking, but his gaze was on me now. Trapping me under a spell. His eyes truly were unique and bright...just like Kathryn's.

"So.... you're not angry?" I asked looking away back towards the statue. I knew it was a silly question to ask, but I needed to hear him say it. So that I could believe him.

I expected a simple yes or no. Instead he grasped my hand with his, but I didn't look. That smile of his was dangerous and if I knew him he was definitely still wearing that stupid expression.

"No, I'm not Roslyn Azimuth." He warmly said my name, gaining my full attention. I couldn't pinpoint why it caused a strong reaction, but I knew I was liking it. Which was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time.

"I'm very happy. I'm happy that you're fully trusting me. Though I'm sure it wasn't easy."

"More like I didn't make it easy." I joked making the both of us laugh a little. When it died a comfortable silence settled between us as my gaze again returned to my father's statue.

"I'm glad you knew him." I told him truthfully meaning every word.

"Even though it was only for a short while, he was...the closest thing I've ever had to a father." He paused for a moment as I looked at him. His expression was a mixture between sadness and longing. As I reached to return the favor and offer some consoling he spoke again.

"I was told my father sent me to solana before he was killed. He stayed behind to give the Lombaxes a chance to escape. While my mother died during the attack. There was no note with me when I was found. So no one knew my name, where I was from, nothing about me that I didn't already know or learned. The people at the orphanage named me Ratchet."

I knew my eyes were wide from his story. Aside from his mother and lack of a sister. The story was familiar to Kaden Rogers. The famed hero of the Lombaxes. The one who had stayed behind when our race left. What if Ratchet was Liam? Leah's long lost son...

Even though I wanted to ask for his father's name.

"I'm so sorry, Ratchet."

I couldn't bring myself to do it. Not right now, not when both of our emotions were probably at their breaking points. Even if he was by a small chance....he didn't need me to spring that heavy subject on him immediately after.

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