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Chapter 31 ~ I Promise I'll Be Here Until The End

Am I dead?

That was the first thought that ran through my mind when I finally opened my eyes. But the pain I was feeling in my side was enough evidence to disregard any suspicion. I was alive, but where was I? Groaning, I sat up to take in my surroundings.

I was definitely in a cave of some sort. A desert planet, judging by the heat, the sand in my fur, and how dry my throat was. My side was wrapped in bandages and by the looks of them recently too. Beside me was a dented bucket filled with water and a rag. Used bandages stained with blood, my blood if I had to guess, laid beside it in a shallow wooden bowl. Someone was keeping me alive, but who? And where did they take me?

Racking my brain, I tried to remember what happened after....after Tachyon was brought back. All I could remember was I was shot and then Samus....

I gasped as the memories came flooding back to me. I was shot by Harlequinn, who was hoping to get both the Dimensionator, and kill Tachyon. But Samus...Samus had intervened by trying to sacrifice herself and then the bomb. She...Harlequinn threw a fusion bomb.

Somehow I was still alive, but where were Ratchet and Clank? They were right beside me.

"Ratchet..." I rasped, hoping he was here. That he could hear me. I waited for a moment but I heard nothing returning my calls. Fear began to surface as I rasped louder calling out to both Ratchet and Clank this time. But there was still no reply.

Struggling massively I manage to get onto my feet, but it's definitely proving to be more difficult than I thought it would be. Very ungracefully I lean against the cave walls as I limp through the caverns towards what I could only hope would be the entrance. I groaned as another shock of pain shoot through my body. It wasn't the worst pain I've been through. Yet it was enough to make me stop midway to catch my breath. Which also proved to be annoyingly difficult. Damn that Harlequinn and her damn blaster. Yet despite it all, I could at least cling to the idea that Kat, Flynn, and Angela were safe and sound. But Clank...and Ratchet

His horrified expression, the last expression I ever saw him have, crossed my mind once more providing the energy I needed to continue. Carefully I stood up and continued to hobble through the cave. There was no guarantee Ratchet or Clank were here on this planet with me. And yet the thought of him being gone forever. The thought that I would never be around the one person who was like the sun to me would never smile again. Those thoughts alone were enough to make me sick. And if Clank was gone and yet somehow Ratchet had survived...that would honestly make me feel worse.

"Ratchet!" I cried desperately once more as I neared the mouth of the cave. I could feel the heat rise, but my soul was still cold. That is until I heard a voice, his voice call out my name in return.

His silhouette stood by the entrance. And even though I couldn't see his face I knew immediately it was Ratchet. I hobbled closer as fast as I could as he jogged closer to me. I don't remember when I started to cry, but the moment I was in his arms tears of relief came flooding out. He was laughing while he held onto me like a lifeline, but I could feel the tears wetting my fur.

"You scared the hell out of me." He said breathlessly before burying his face into my neck. "I thought I lost you."

"When I woke up...I was alone." I whispered trying to draw him closer to me. "I thought you were gone forever."

"I would never do that to you, Roslyn." He says pulling me tighter. "I promised, remember" It was a childish promise now that I think about it, but it didn't matter.

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