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~ Chapter 11 ~ No Superman

I didn't know what to expect when I was going to meet an actual super hero. But I didn't expect I was going to make him cry within the first five minutes of meeting him and I certainly didn't expect him to confuse me for Ratchet. The moment we walked into the Planetary Defense Center this man who was dressed in a bright green suit grabbed me claiming how happy he was to see me and how much he loved my new dyed fur. Until he finally noted Ratchet standing there awkwardly waiting for him to finish. When Qwark put me down as he quickly apologized I turn made the poor man cry asking for Captain Qwark. So here I am trying to apologize this hysterical man claiming how irrelevant he had become.

I looked over at Ratchet pleading with my eyes for him to help me, but the jerk only gave me a look saying you're the one who wanted his help. Glaring at him I look over to Clank, who sighed and walked over to Qwark.

"Captian Qwark?"

"What is it?"He sobbed.

"Miss Roslyn didn't mean to make to feel disrespected."

"She didn't?"

"No in fact she personally came here to ask for your help."

"My help?!" He rose up asking what my problem was.

"Well why didn't you say so!? What is it you need my dear? Cat stuck in a tree? Trouble with a street gang?" He kept going on and on until finally he ran out of breath.

"Well no sir. Infact I need help with a kidnapping."

"A kidnapping you say?"

"Yes my two best friends where taken from me by space pirates the moment we arrived in this dimension."

"Wait a minute did you space pirates?"

"Um yes sir."

"And did you also mention you are from another dimension?"

I nodded my head.

"Are your friends from a this same dimension? And are they also Lombaxes like yourself?"

I nodded my head again.

He turned his back mumbling to himself how this could boost his approval rating. Confusing me to no end I ask Ratchet about it.

"Hey Ratchet?"


"Why would Captain Qwark need a approval rating?

"Oh um about a year ago he tried running for president and wasn't elected because of his approval rating. He probably hoping this will raise so when he runs again in a few years he'll be elected."

As ratchet told me this I laughed a little bit.

"Why are you laughing?

"I guess I just find the circumstances a little funny."

"Well don't you and the people of Kiada elected a new president every few years." Clank asked.

I didn't hesitate to answer when I told them no, which shocked them to no end.

"Why not?" Ratchet asked.

"To be honest I don't really know the answer. Our current ruler has been in office for about 25 years, but I suppose its because he saved our race during Tachyon's attack 23 years ago. Sure the high council changes from time to time, but mostly they are past rulers or general the public respects and the people respect Bashir McCoy."

"But you don't?" Ratchet asked

I was about to answer but Qwark interrupted me before I could speak.

"I've thought it over and I will help you young citizen."

"Um it's Roslyn."

"Close enough now what do I need to do?"

"I suppose you just need to help us search for them and once we find them we rescue them."

"Do you have any leads?"

"We are currently searching for Rusty Pete and Captian Slag to inquire if they know anything." Clank answered.

"You wouldn't happen to know where they are?" Ratchet asked.

"No I wouldn't but have no fear for have Captain Qwark here to help you."

"Um thanks, but lets just wait for Talwyn to-"

"Incoming message from Miss Apogee."

As Talwyn was speaking to us Ratchet nudged my shoulder grabbing my attention.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"You didn't answer my question." he whispers back.

I hoped he had forgotten about it, but I answer his question anyway like any ex-sergent would.

"I do respect him." I answer.

"But if you respected him why did you leave Kiada?"

"I left because....well at first for selfish reasons of wanting to see the place our race originated from. At least that what I keep telling myself. I think the reel reason I wanted to leave was because I wanted to find a place for where future generations could thrive. I mean don't get wrong things are great in Kiada, but our culture is dying. Our race we're once adventures and engineers who wanted to see and learn new things. Now we just sit within the comforts of our own planet with our tails between our legs."

"What wrong with that?" Ratchet asked.

"Nothing. It's just we can't be afraid anymore and we can't live in exile anymore otherwise their will be nothing left of us. Haha listen to me once a soldier always a soldier."

Ratchet looked at me for a second before turning back to Talwyn as she gave us the coordinates to Stratus City.

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