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~ Chapter 23 ~ Secrets

One moment I was triumphant. Then the next I was falling. Literally falling towards what would lead to our end. I could hear the screams of Harlequin's crew below me as I watched her ship flying away. My blood boiled at being bested by her. I could imagine her and Gear's face laced with a smug expression knowing they got away with exactly what they wanted. "Somebody help us!" I heard one of the crew members shriek as continued to fall.

I groaned as I quickly send a quick S.O.S. message to Samus with my location. Within minutes she's there in the nick of time with the cockpit open. I land safely in giving her my thanks.

"Alright, Samus activates the magnet booster. We're gonna need these guys alive." I say keeping my tone neutral strapping myself on the seat.

"You got it, activating magnet booster now." The bottom of the ship begins to whirl and instantly the pirates are safely drawn to the ship.

"I'm sorry that they got away baby," Samus said as we headed back to the entrance of the museum.

"It's alright Samus. We have some of her crew. They're bound to know something."

My tone sounded more hopeful, but Samus wasn't fooled. She knew I was upset.

They got away. Which meant I was no step closer to saving Kat.

I know the universe's humor can be funny at times, but I'm really not catching a break.

After releasing the pirates into the Ranger's custody I leaped out of the cockpit to meet Flynn and Qwark.

"How's Mr. Apogee and Clank's father?" I ask Flynn.

They were definitely roughed up a bit." He explained. "But nothing a bit of nanotech can't help. How bout you?"

"I'm fine." I firmly said. Flynn didn't seem to be convinced along with Qwark.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt for you to receive some medical attention."

"Thanks, Captain, but right now I just need a minute or two alone," I said feeling relief with each step I took further away from everyone.

The Polaris Defence Force was already on the scene and I was expecting them to not let me back into the museum. However, to my surprise, no one stopped me as I headed back to the Lombax History Wing.

By the time I arrived back into the wing the windows were already taped off and a sign was put up to indicate the exhibit would be closed for the time being.

I stepped under the tape entering the wing again feeling the cross breeze from the broken glass.

This time I really take in what the exhibit had to offer. There are only three main attractions that feature Ratchet and Clank, Percival Tachyon, and my father Alister Azimuth.

He was no longer alive. I knew that. Before all of this began I convinced myself that the odds of him being alive after all this time were very slim. Even so, a small part of hoped it wouldn't be true. I go to his first feeling a duty to pay my respects even though this wasn't his grave sight.

"Alister Azimuth. He was a great Lombax until shame and anger got the best of him. To many, he was a villain who put the universe in jeopardy for selfish reasons. To others, he is a hero whose only crime was to correct a mistake."

"Looks like you made some mistakes too." I laughed painfully before continuing to speak to the statue.

"Like Father, like daughter as they say..... I'm sorry for all the pain you went through. It must have been so hard thinking that I was gone along with mom, who never got the chance to see me grow too. I really wish you were here right now dad. I feel like I'm failing everyone with every decision I make. I don't even know if what I'm doing is the right thing anymore. I just ...I need some kind of sign that everything I've done hasn't been for nothing. That this will end will Kathryn being safe and sound. That this path I've taken will lead to something good for everyone. I don't know anymore." Tears cascaded down my face as I choked out the last of my words in my native tongue. Gazing up memorizing every detail the statue had to offer.

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