I can't believe you done this

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"Seriously guys, Can't you do something about those uniforms?" Joseph Joestar points at the two male student sitting on their chairs. Jotaro Kujo, the embodiment of a delinquent ignores his grandfather's words as he lays on his chair in silence. Beside Jotaro is a red-haired student wearing a green school uniform, Kakyoin. The red haired teen simply reads a book while basking in the sun. "We are students and students should behave a students." He replies to Joseph. The older man let out a huff. Noting that Japanese students are stiffs. 

His friend, Avdol comment that their behavior is the art of Bushido. Their new companion in this journey is a French man name Polnareff. He tells the students that girls won't fall for someone like them. Ten steps away from Kakyoin is a wooden crate. The sound of shouting made the others turn their attention to a sailor holding a child back from escaping his grasp. Joseph intervenes, asking what is going on. The sailor simply said that this child is a stowaway. This certainly surprised Joseph. 

The child's attitude changes when the sailor mentions the police. "I just want to go and see my dad in Singapore." She spoke up. The child would do anything to stay on board but the sailor won't take her plea. In response, the child bit the man's arm then jumps off the boat into the sea. The others show concern for the child, worried about her safety. "This isn't good." Kakyoin spoke up when seeing sharks begin to surround the girl. 

"Come back, brat!" Joseph shouts out. Luckily, the girl was saved by Jotaro's star platinum. The stand punches the shark a few times. Jotaro found out the child is a girl, not a boy. He comment she is a runt. Saving the girl, Jotaro drags her towards the boat. The sight of a blue creature made Joseph call for Jotaro. Kakyoin summons his stand to pull Jotaro and the stowaway back on the ship - saving their lives from the creature of the sea. "A seafaring stand." Avdol comments, "I don't believe I've ever even heard of such a thing." 

Their eyes lands on the girl who is worn out from swimming. They wonder if the girl is a stand user. The girl threatens them with a switchblade of her own. "I already checked the ten people on this boat." Joseph whispers to them. Avdol asks the girl how is Dio but he only got confusion from her. The stand off is interrupt by a familiar man who grabs her shoulders. "Captain." Joseph spoke up. 

The 'captain' doesn't take too kindly to stowaways, ready to take her away. Joseph stops him by asking that he confirms the identity of all ten men on the ship. The captain confirms it then swipes the cigarette from Jotaro's lips. He doesn't tolerate anything that harms the ocean, snuffing the lit cigarette on the metal pin on Jotaro's hat. "Hold it." Jotaro spoke up as the captain walks away. 

"Don't be a condescending prick about it, you jackass." He told him. Joseph tries to calm the situation to avoid any fights from escalating. "He isn't the captain, I just figured it out. He is a stand user." Jotaro told a bold faced lie. 


The captain simply blinks, "A stand...?" He feigns innocence. The others asks for proof. Jotaro told everyone that a vein will pop out from smelling a cigarette smoke on their nose if they are a stand user. The group including the captain touch their noses. Jotaro admits that he was lying. Seeing that his cover is blown, the enemy stand user move backward to stand next to the wooden crate. His stand grabs the girl by the ankle and hold her in its arms. 

"You figured me out, so I have no choice. If I take all of you, then I would break a bone or two. That's why-" His fist slams the side of the box. The wood breaks apart to reveal someone in the box. A female teenager sitting on a pile of books. Her face covered by the book. In her hand is a book. "What?!" The group is shocked to see another person on board with them. "I brought help with me." The captain laughs loudly. 

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