Under the Sea!

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Riding to a remote island by boat, Joseph told them that they are having a detour. At the back of Cece's mind, they are reuniting with Avdol. That's great since she had missed the man's company. Just as they arrive the island's shore, Polnareff spoke up. "Does someone actually live here? It's such a tiny little island and it looks deserted." Kakyoin turns to the silent Joseph. "Mr. Joestar, does he really live here?" 

"He lives here by himself. That's what he told me back in India." He turns to the group. Cece heard Kakyoin ask who is 'he'. Polnareff answers for Joseph, "Indian curry?" Cece shakes her head at Polnareff's simple answer. "Seriously...?" She mutters out loud. Jotaro tell the others that someone is watching them. Suddenly, the disguised Avdol left his spot to run away from them. "Is that?!" Polnareff spoke up. They chase after Avdol to find themselves in front of a small wooden house with chickens roaming around. In front of the chickens is Avdol feeding them. 

"That man, he can't be..." 

"It can't be." Joseph stops Polnareff from taking a step towards Avdol. "I'll go talk to him. All of you, wait here." He told them. Cece watches the scene played out in front of her. She has to admit, Avdol is a good actor especially in disguise. "I-It can't be!" Kakyoin and Polnareff shouts out as Avdol enters the house to slam the door behind him. 

"That is Avdol's...father." Joseph is silent between those words for dramatic effect. Cece wonders if they take the same acting classes. On the other side, she felt bad for Polnareff when feeling his mood quickly fell. Without a word, he parts from the group to walk by himself. 

Cece let out a sigh. All of them turns to Cece folding her arms over her chest. "I know that you can't tell him because of his big mouth but this is a bit too far, don't you think?" Joseph flinches when hearing her tapping her right boot against the floor. "Well..." He tries to explain himself. Joseph fell silent when she gave him a stern stare. Then, she turns to Jotaro and Kakyoin. Kakyoin rubs the back of his neck. Jotaro scoffs, "Why are you lecturing us? You could have told him." 

Jotaro is silence by Cece grabbing the edge of his coat. Her eyes burning with anger. "Listen here and listen good, Jotaro Kujo. I was about to tell him just now but you guys decide to put a show. Polnareff suffered from the loss of his sister and he had to deal with Avdol's 'death'. So, don't give me that shit right now!" Cece releases Jotaro. He took a step back from the young woman. She snaps her head to the closed door of the wooden house. "Don't you think you are going to avoid this, Avdol! Come out!" She shouts out. In response, the door opens to reveal Avdol's pale expression. 

"He is even scared too!" The men thought the same thing. She points to the direction where Polnareff walk to. "So help me, you will look for him and apologize to him now! Don't think I forgot what you done to Kakyoin before this!" Cece spoke up. Kakyoin flinches, he shouldn't have told Cece what happened back at the crash site. "I know he forgive you guys but I won't let go until everyone apologizes to each other before we leave this place! Ughhhh, Now I want to shout at Dio that he is a no good, cheap, lying, good rotten flesh eating low life, snake licking, dirty, disgusting, arrogant, blood-sucking-" Cece kicks a rock hard. It shot forward to hit the palm tree next to house. "Dog-kicking, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, dumb ass, worm-headed sack of shit he is! Holy shit! Where is the Tylenol?"

 She turns away from them to enter the wooden house then slams the door. The men flinch as they become silent. Jotaro turns to Kakyoin. He saw Kakyoin's eyes carry longing for the young woman. "You like her?" He broke the silence. "Yes- I mean no!" He quickly corrects himself. Joseph saw Kakyoin's cheeks turn to a shade of red. "Can't take it back now, Kakyoin. We know now." He chuckles under his breath. Kakyoin turns away from them, "Let us look for Polnareff! We don't want to anger Cece anymore." He reminds them. 

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