Boot to the Head

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Sending Anne back home, Cece smiles at the girl - hoping Anne lives out a good life. They left the city to start driving to continue their trip. Sitting the back of their new jeep, Cece sits between Jotaro and Joseph. "One thing that surprised me is how you drive, Cece." Joseph comments. Cece flinches when feeling Jotaro's eyes on her. "Yeah, you were driving like those race car drivers! What's up with that?" Polnareff spoke up. 

Cece fidgets in her seat under Joseph and Jotaro's gaze. "Hehehe, well..." Cece finally spoke up, "My cousins...sort of drag me from my parent's house to hang out. Their favorite thing they love to do is to do...illegal racing and drifting late at night." Her lips form a nervous smile. 


"It was fun to see them. But it is way different when you drive yourself. They taught me how to drive - well, their own way." They saw Cece shivering in her seat as her face turns pale. "That was hell on Earth. When my emotions plus driving comes together, it brings me back to those days." She finishes. All of them realize that she is a demon behind the wheel. 

The group decides to change the topic. The Joestars made small conversation of Jotaro's new uniform. Kakyoin asks if Polnareff could drive in this fog. He could drive but the longer they drive, the harder is to see. "Ugh, I think it is better for us to wait somewhere for the fog to clear up." Cece suggests. The next enemy they are facing is Centerfold's hag of a mother. "That sounds like a plan." Joseph agrees, "Let's find a place to stay in that town for the night." The others seem to be on board since it has been a while since they find a decent hotel. 

Cece just look up at her left to see a dog's corpse stabbed by a wooden stake. Jotaro saw the same thing as both of them look at each other with horror. Joseph asks what is wrong. Cece looks down at her lap, face pale. She forgot that was there. Seeing it in person made her sick. "No, it's nothing." Jotaro answers for the both of them. 


They finally arrive to this foggy town. She could barely see what is in front the jeep. "This is a nice little town." Joseph comments which Cece stares at him with shock. "Mr. Joestar...I'm sorry but this town feels like a horror movie." She had to comment. Joseph looks at Cece with confusion. Polnareff stops the jeep for Kakyoin to ask where the hotel is. Despite having people around town, this town is quiet. Cece looks around, her hands gripping the sides of her skirt. "I...really...don't like this place." She mutters out loud. Her comment reaches Jotaro's ears. He stood beside Cece with his hands hidden in his pant's pockets. 

"Keep your guard up." He only said. They stand at the back of the group. Joseph decides to give them a little lesson about Pakistan's way of greeting. He applies his lesson to one man standing in front of the restaurant. "Assalamu Alaikum!" Joseph greets the man with a smile. Uncomfortable silence between them. Suddenly, the man flip the sign from open to close in a split second. More silence unnerves the young woman. Joseph tries to recover the situation by asking if there is a hotel nearby. 

Cece folds her arms over her chest. Its like talking to a brick wall with this man. Well, the man is actually dead - a zombie. "I don't know." The man only said then walks away. "No no no nope." Cece thought to herself. This is really like a horror movie, she wants to high tailed out of there but they have to stay because of plot. The men decide to ask someone else for directions. Polnareff tries to ask one man by he has fallen on his face with death on his face. 

The sight of lizards crawling out of his mouth made everyone shout out in shock. "What?!" They couldn't believe this is happening to them. Jotaro decides to play detective, nothing that there is a gun in the dead man's hand. Now the others decide to play detective. That almost made Cece throw her hands up. She doesn't want to be part of this since they are dealing with a dead body here. "Guy, lets just call the police!" Cece tries to be the logic one here. Kakyoin agrees with this suggestion, calling a woman nearby to call the police. 

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