Not on my Watch!

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The sooner they get off this ship, the better is for all of them. She doesn't look forward to the user of this stand. Cece saw Anne standing at the open doorway that leads to the tower. She decides to stay by the girl, keeping a close eye for her safety. All of them move to the ship's control room. Not a single soul in sight.

"There is no captain in the pilothouse!" Joseph spoke up. He check the machines and meters to see everything working properly. Polnareff made a light-hearted joke that the crew might have a bad case of diarrhea. Cece holds back a snort, "I will give you a star for effort." Polnareff turns to the teenager, giving her a surprised look. "Everyone, come over here!" Anne calls them. Cece quickly follows the girl. Gently, she put her hands on her shoulder. "Stay close. You don't know what is here..." She spoke up. 

They enter the room where Anne points to, seeing an Orangutan in a cage. "An orangutan." Kakyoin comments. Cece looks at the orangutan. She has a frown on her face, knowing that creature is a user. Joseph decides to split the team up to find the crew of this ship. One by one, they left the room until the last ones are Anne and Cece. The women have chills down their spines when feeling eyes on them. They looks behind to see the user looking at them. "Nope, nope, nope." Cece thought to herself then quickly guides Anne out of the room.

"...That monkey is creepy." Anne comments in which Cece made a small noise of agreement. "Being on this ship makes it ten times worse." Cece adds. Outside of the tower, Cece saw a metal hook attack one poor soul by stabbing through the back of his neck. She quickly blocks Anne's eyes with her hands as the girl let out a cry. Blood drips on the ship's deck from the hung body before them. "Shit, this is worse to see it in real life." Cece gulps at the sight, face pale. Jotaro saw the females frighten at the sight. "Yare Yare Daze. A welcome like this is a bit much for the girls."

Cece gave Jotaro a short glare. Anne presses her face against Cece's stomach to block out the gruesome sight. Cece rubs the girl's back, attempting to comfort her. Joseph told the group to stay alert and told the sailors not to touch anything. Anne quietly thanks her when lifting up her face. Cece looks at the sailors who decide to walk in the tower. "We should go with them-"

"Cece." She looks up to see the group's eyes on them. Her brows furrow when she got a silent message from Joseph - "Come here." She gently pushes Anne to the sailors. "I'll be right back." She told the girl. Anne nods her head then slowly follow the sailor's inside. Cece approaches the team, standing between Polnareff and Jotaro. "Did anyone see even a glimpse of a stand just now?" Joseph asks them. The men replies with a no. Then, eyes fall of Cece. "No, I couldn't see anything." She replies. Avdol admits he didn't see or felt anything since he was the closest.

Kakyoin suggests he should Hierophant Green to search the ship. Using his stand's range, Hierophant is able to squeeze through tight spaces in the ship. Cece take in the details of Hierophant. The sight of the stand's green skin reminds her small emeralds pieces. It is strange to see these stands now. She had to admit, she is a bit envious since she can't even summon hers. She doesn't know why but she really felt like dead weight. "A support stand....what does even mean?!" Cece thought to herself. It is a broad statement with no hint that comes along with it. "Cece." She lifts her head up to realize that Joseph was calling her.

"Huh? What?" Cece utters out. Joseph motions to the tower. "Why don't you stay with Anne for now?" He suggests. Cece already knows that she is no use to them right now after that confession during the Dark Blue Moon Arc. "...Oh, sure." Cece could only say. Leave the group, she enters the tower. Her hands form into fists. She stops when seeing something shiny behind the pipe. Bending her knees, she grabs the object to see it is rotating combination lock.

This lock reminds her time in middle school for the locker rooms. Cece held the lock in her left hand. She decides to put the lock in her left skirt pocket, it will be useful later. Too bad she doesn't have quarters to put in a sock so she can beat the pervert without mercy. 

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