Hol Horse's Wacky Adventure

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Traveling in this dark mansion, Hol Horse had to use his lighter to not trip over his feet over something. His right hand touches the back of his head where Cece's killer throw nailed him. "Even if I was healed up, I could still feel her throw!" He thought to himself. In the darkness, he could see Dio collecting various treasures. Among the piles of gold coins and jewelry is the dead women. Seeing those bodies is chilling to him since Dio's victims show no sign of fighting back. "I guess he's charming as the Devil himself." He thought to himself. He holds back his laugh when thinking about Cece. If she was here, then Dio would have a field day with her. 

"Hell, why am I thinking about her?" He grumbles to himself. He guesses it is her impressionable character and also her killer throw. Continuing his walk, Hol Horse enters the mansion's vast library. He closes his lighter to put it away since the candles gave him a bit of light in this library. "Do you want something?" Dio's deep voice echoes throughout the library. Hol Horse tries to located Dio but looks up to see Dio on the library's ladders in search of a book. "L-Lord Dio!" Hol Horse spoke up with a chill down his spine. 

Dio silently lands on the floor with his back to the gunslinger. His presence is something not to scoff at. Being near him made Hol Horse tense. Hol Horse silently told himself to calm himself, trying to lie to himself that Dio isn't that strong. Dio asks again why he is here. "Uh, W-well, I-I came to give my report. It appears that the 5th and 6th of the 10 gods - Mariah and Alessi have both been defeated." He replies, holding his composure. Dio pulls one of the many books from the shelf to read the contents. 


"A-And that was my report, Joestar and the others will arrive in Cairo tomorrow. Three more are left-" 

"When I say 'and', I was talking about you, Hol Horse." Dio turns to Hol Horse, "When are you going to fight them for me, Hol Horse?" He questions Hol Horse's loyalty since he hasn't been fighting the Crusaders at all. He walks towards the frozen man with his hands reaching to him. "You failed me twice...and came back running back here." Dio removes the cigarette from Hol Horse's lips to burn his index fingers. He shows the man that his left side is healing slower than his right. "The left side of this body is weak...That proves that his body isn't yet completely mine." Dio took one book from the shelf to walk past the gunslinger. 

He approaches his red couch to sit on it to read. "I expect you to kill the Joestars and the others." Dio pauses, "But bring the girl to me. Her stand will be useful to help me take this body as my own. Otherwise, I'll kill you." His words made Hol Horse's eyes widen. "Y-You got to be shitting me!?" Hol Horse thought to himself. In response, Hol Horse pulls out his Emperor to point at the back of Dio's head. He is proven that he is weak against this vampiric man as he appears behind him. "I like you." Dio praises the gunslinger for his calm position. 

Dio walks away to leave Hol Horse with his fearful encounter against him. Losing the strength of his legs, Hol Horse knelt down. "I-I finally understand Lord Dio that I have no choice but to follow you." He really had to kill the Crusaders and drag the young woman to Dio. He really doesn't want too but what he can do against someone like Dio. The memory of the dead woman haunts the Gunslinger. 

Is he really going through with this? 


Yep, he is really going through this. 

He is not going alone in this mission. No, he had kidnapped Boingo. With his book, they will be invincible and take care of their targets. Hol Horse could see this kid is really trying to be brave in his own way. He had doubt in this book's ability but was proven wrong at one moment. Hol Horse and Boingo travel to their destination to take care of the Crusaders and capture their healer. 

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