Get Knocked out!

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Traveling a good distance through the desert. Cece walk between Jotaro and Polnareff She looks behind her to see the palm trees they use to cover their tracks. She face forward to hear Kakyoin. "I still can't shake the feeling that someone is watching us." Polnareff comments that he worries too much. Cece glares at the French man. "Polnareff, we are dealing with enemy stands every time we travel." She defends Kakyoin, "I wouldn't blame him for worrying." Cece knows it is the enemy stand but she can't tell them. Jotaro shares the same thoughts with Kakyoin. 

They stop for a moment to let Jotaro use a pair of binoculars to look around their surroundings. He found no one in the desert. "Something is weird but..." Jotaro stops when Polnareff told him to hurry up and go. A bit of sweat rolls down her cheek. The heat is getting stronger. Cece saw Joseph pull out his pocket watch to check the time. "It's eight o'clock?!" He quickly asks Jotaro for his clock's time. "We lost track of time...! It's past eight PM! So why the sun isn't going down?!"

Polnareff checks the thermometer to see that it is sixty degrees Celsius. "It's the work of a stand!" Joseph exclaims, "Try to hide behind some rocks!" Everyone get off their camels to run behind a wall of rocks. "T-this is a pain...! We going to die from overheating...!" Cece cries out. Polnareff asks how they are going to fight the this stand. "The quickest way to settle this is to take out the user..." Jotaro spoke up. The heat is becoming unbearable to them. 

Seeing the camels fallen down from the extreme heat, Kakyoin decides to use his stand to locate the user. He counted 100 meters until Jotaro told him to call back his stand. "Something is coming towards us!" Polnareff points at the enemy stand. "Don't do anything, Kakyoin!" Cece grabs his right sleeve. Cece saw Hierophant green going to perform an emerald splash at the stand. "Isis!" She summons her stand to from a light barrier around Hierophant Green and a barrier in front of them. 

"GET DOWN EVERYONE!" Cece shouts out. Kakyoin quickly calls back his stand to see Cece trying to maintain the barrier in front of them to shield them from the attack. They saw cracks forming on the barrier. The barrier shatter into pieces. Hot magma hit her stand. Cece fell on her knees. Joseph caught Cece in his arms. "Cece!" He shouts out. Blood splats on the ground. She had received a large wound on her head. 

Jotaro summons his stand while Polnareff tries to protect them from the flying projectiles. "I'm busting a hole in the ground, get in!" Jotaro shouts out. Star Platinum slams his fist on the ground. They are able to form a man-made cave. Joseph checks on the young woman to see she is using her stand to heal herself. "Are you okay?" Kakyoin asks. Cece nods her head, breathing heavily. "...I'm fine, how is everyone e-else? Does anyone else need Isis...?" She replies. They shake their head. 

Luckily, Isis shield them from the attack with its light barrier. "You have quick thinking." Jotaro spoke up. Cece breathes out a tired laugh, "Better safe than sorry..." Kakyoin looks at the young woman. She looks more worn out than the others. Guilt run through his veins as he is the one who ignore their warnings. After this is done, he will thank Cece for stepping in and protecting them. "I feel like I'm going to go crazy..." Kakyoin spoke up, looking at all of them. 

"That attack is perfectly aimed. That means the enemy is definitely watching us." Polnareff said with a hint of fear in his voice. Joseph quickly tells him to quiet down so the enemy couldn't hear them. Cece breathes heavily to look at the desert sands. Her eyes lands on a familiar sight. She jumps in fright when Joseph slams his fists on the ground. Her eyes move to the broken binoculars on the ground in front of Joseph. Curse words left the man's lips. "Is the enemy invisible or something?!" Joseph shouts out. 

She looks forward again to search for the enemy's hiding place. Then her eyes lands on the location of the enemy. She broke the silence, her lips shaking. The men turn to see Cece's body shaking. Suddenly, laughter left her lips. "Oh my god, that's so stupid!" She thought to herself. "Cece! What's going on?!" Joseph spoke up. Tears build up in her eyes as she still laughs out loud. "Are you okay, Cece?!" Joseph asks again. Kakyoin follows her eyesight to find himself laughing too. She fell back on Kakyoin's chest, laughing loudly. 

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