Respect Nature

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Resuming their travels, they cross the Arabian Sea to land on Abu Dhabi. They finally stop at a large building with large glass windows displaying outside. She looks around the building to see expensive cars that Cece won't see in her lifetime. Joseph suggests they need to stop at this place to buy a car of their own. Two feet from Cece is Polnareff attempting to flirt with one of the female car sale workers. She stood up straight to see Joseph waving to her to follow him. Cece follows him for Joseph to interrupt his sweet talk with the woman. 

Cece snickers at Joseph slapping to top of Polnareff's head with a folder. "We are leaving." Joseph announces. She smiles at Polnareff fixing the top of his hair. "We need you to drive." Joseph told the French man. She follows Joseph with Polnareff catching up with them. "Why are we riding in a such a fancy car in this sandy place?" Joseph chuckles, telling them that they will find out soon enough. "It sucks that I can't drive..." Joseph shakes his head. "I would let you drive but you are seventeen." Cece clicks her tongue. "Stupid laws." Joseph chuckles in response. Polnareff laughs, patting her back in sympathy. "Too bad, you have to wait a year." 

She grumbles under her breath. "You don't need to rub it in..." Joseph shakes his head, telling Polnareff to stop his teasing. They met with Jotaro and Kakyoin at the front of the building. "Welcome back." Kakyoin greets them, "Anything going well, Mr. Joestar?" Joseph smiles at the teenager, holding a set of car keys. His eyes lands on Cece's figure, his cheeks flush a bit of pink for a second. "We got a new car but I can't drive it because I am seventeen...!" Cece sighs out loud. Kakyoin gave a look of sympathy when seeing her dejected look. 

"That's a shame but you'll have your chance after all of this is over." He attempts to cheer up the young woman. Cece looks up at Kakyoin. "True! Hey, Jotaro, Kakyoin. Want me to teach you how to drive?" She asks. The sight of their faces was priceless to Cece. She giggles under her breath, "Not drifting, just the basics." They show relief in their eyes. Jotaro sighs while Kakyoin nods his head. "I suppose it is good to learn how to drive." He spoke up. Jotaro shakes his head, "Whatever." In Jotaro's vocabulary, Cece will take that as a yes. 

"Sweet! Maybe we can watch drifting races in Japan-"

"All right, everyone. Time to go." Joseph announces with a black expensive car park in front of them. Cece jumps in the back seat, sitting between Jotaro and Kakyoin while Polnareff and Joseph sits in the front. They drove away. After an hour of driving, Cece's eyes felt heavy. Driving in a smooth road and in a comfortable seat made her sleepy. "A little nap wouldn't hurt..." She thought to herself. There is no immediate danger currently as they are going to face the Sun user later on. Besides there is nothing left to do right now. 

Before she realize it, Cece drifted off to sleep. Kakyoin tense up when feeling something rest on his left arm. He glance down to see Cece had fallen asleep with her cheek resting on his upper arm. His body tense up, coughing once to clear his throat. Kakyoin felt his face heat up when looking at Cece's face. He can't believe his emotions are in a fumble since the defeat of the Lovers. "Yare Yare Daze." Kakyoin heard Jotaro. He looks up to see Jotaro with his arms crossing over his chest. 

"Jotaro." Kakyoin spoke up but Joseph chuckles under his breath. "Ah, youth these days." Kakyoin turns to the men at the front. Polnareff snickers as he voices up in agreement. "It's nothing like that, Mr. Joestar." Kakyoin spoke up. "Don't deny what the heart wants, Kakyoin~" Polnareff comments. Kakyoin looks away from them to look out of the window. Despite his denial, he tries his best not to wake up Cece from her sleep from his movements. The men chuckle under their breath at the sight. Kakyoin had to endure a bit of teasing from the men until Jotaro silences with a short glare. 


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