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After Avdol hung up on the hotel phone, Joseph asks who attacked Polnareff. In response, Avdol told the both of them that the user was an assassin. His stand is quite powerful since he receives contracts from high places. Cece knows about this user as Joseph asks what kind of stand that the assassin used. Sadly he has no information about the stand itself. "Right now, it's dangerous to leave Polnareff alone or any one of us." Cece stares at the men who doesn't seem to be worried since Polnareff mentions that he will be here in five minutes. 

Cece let out a quiet sigh. "Yeahhhh, let's not worry about the enemy that is in the same building. Everything is fine!" She silently thought to herself. Avdol had called the other teenagers to meet up with them for a meeting. Cece glances at the wall clock next to the mini fridge. She decides to mentally count down the minutes passing by. Jotaro and Kakyoin arrives in the room under nine minutes.

The sound of the door knocking made Cece look up to see the male students at the doorway. "Yo." Cece greets them. Kakyoin gave her a slight wave in greetings. "Only you guys huh?" Joseph noted, "That just leaves Polnareff. Its already been way over five minutes." Cece wonders if she should say something but she doesn't want to cause a change in the storyline. "Sorry Polnareff, I would help you if I could." She silently apologizes to the Frenchman. 

It didn't take long for Polnareff to finally arrive. She cringes at the sight of blood on his body. He looks like he is going to keel over from fatigue. "Polnareff, you're finally here." Avdol spoke up. Joseph sighs at his lack of timing. "All right, everyone. We're going get right to it." He announces, "Let's figure out what we're going to do if Soul Sacrifice attacks us." 

"I-I'm so tired...." Polnareff mutters as he slides down the wall. Cece gets up from her spot to approach the French man. She wonders if the group is actually sane. "Seriously?! You need to get your eyes checked if you can't see him like he had experienced World War 2!" She grumbles. The men watches Cece pats the left side of his cheek. "Oi, are you breathing?" She spoke up. 

"Like you aren't any better." The others thought. They watch a unfocused figure forming behind Cece as she tries to wake him up. "Maybe I can..." Cece thought to herself when remembering her healed hand and wrist. She got nothing else to loose. Mentally she told herself to summon her stand. "Come on, Come on work." She whispers under her breath. 

Before the men's very eyes, her stand made an appearance behind her. It is a clearer image than before but the others could see through it. They realize that her stand doesn't bear any human like features - only the white porcelain mask on top of the bull's head. Her stand doesn't possess any legs, only a floating stand with metal wings. What caught their eyes is the Egyptian headdress.   

"Mr. Joestar..." Avdol spoke up. Joseph looks at Cece's stand with careful eyes. They saw faint green energy forming around Polnareff. He groans as he opens his eyes. "Ugh, what happened?" Polnareff spoke up. Cece smiles at the sight. Mentally pump her fist at this victory. She helps him to his feet then turns to them. "He is still alive and kicking." She announces. Her stand disappears as she turns to them. 

Kakyoin is the first one to speak up, "Cece, you are able to summon your stand." Her eyes widen then turns behind her. "Really?" Cece's shoulders sag to see no stand behind her. They could see her dishearten figure. She turns to them with a frown. "Are you not pulling my leg? Seriously, it is not cool." Kakyoin quickly shakes his head. He told her that they are not lying. The others except Polnareff agrees with Kakyoin. Cece clicks her tongue in annoyance. "Okay, I'm tired with this." She thought. They watch the teenager in confusion. Cece inhales a long breath then let her anger come out.

"OKAY, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I HAVE HAD IT! WITH MY MOTHERFUCKING STAND ON THIS MOTHERFUCKING LIFE! YOU BETTER COME OUT NOW OR I'LL THROW SOME HANDS!" Cece shouts. The men was shocked by this sudden change of personality. They didn't expect her to shout or curse. Jotaro stares at the teenager. "She has snapped." He thought to himself. Joseph let out a nervous chuckle. "Cece- I don't think-" His eyes grew wide when her stand finally reveals herself in front of her. This time they could actually see her stand clearly. 

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