Awkward Teenagers

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Being stuck at sea with individuals who can kick your ass is not a fun experience. She really wants to jump in the sea since they saw her at her vulnerable moment. "Ugh, I was so lame..." She thought to herself over and over again. She really doesn't have the guts to even look at them. In her right hand, she held Kakyoin's handkerchief. The soft texture of the item brought some level of comfort for the painful silence. 

Anne, the stowaway did a spit take when drinking the water they had. Joseph spoke up, "Be careful! That's the only fresh water we have right now." Anne stutters and points at a freighter boat slowly approaching them. The remaining crewmembers gasp at the sight. Cece looks at the ship as they move their rescue boat to climb up board the ship by using the stairs. The others stood up. Joseph saw Jotaro looking carefully at the ship. "Do you think there might be another Stand user on this freighter, too?" He asks. Cece let out a silent sight when Jotaro replies with a no. He just wonders why no one is showing themselves. 

Polnareff is the first one who step foot on the ship. "There must be someone on board." He spoke to them, "Even if they're all stand users, I'm getting on this boat." The group look at each other for a moment. Cece stood beside Anne, massaging her forehead. "Yeah, lets go on a creepy ship! Nothing bad is going to happen..." She thought to herself. Even a baby could see how creepy this ship is with no one around. Cece puts the handkerchief in her skirt pocket. 

She will clean it up and give back to Kakyoin. It is the least she can do...

She exhales to muster up a smile as she looks down at Anne. "You go ahead." She spoke up. The urge of protecting this girl grew on her. To be drag to this mess with no stand to protect herself, Cece felt sympathy for her. 

Gently pushing Anne to the edge of the boat, she saw that Jotaro and Joseph are waiting for the both of them. This gesture made the men watch Cece. "Watch your step." She spoke up. Holding Anne by her waist, she lifts Ann towards the stairs. "R-right." Anne grabs the stair's rail with Joseph assisting Cece. Successfully bringing the girl to the ship, Cece moves to the edge of the boat. As she is about to step on the stairs, Cece almost lost her balance. To her surprise, a strong hand grabs her by her right elbow helps her regain her balance. 

"Yare Yare Daze, watch your step." Cece looks up to see Jotaro help her. Her eyes widen as he stand still. Cece quickly moves to the stair case with the help of Jotaro. "Um...Thanks." Cece said. Jotaro releases his grip on her then walks up the stairs. Blinking twice, she wonders if that really happened. 

"Come on, the others are waiting." Joseph spoke up. Cece follows the older man up the stair. She saw Joseph glancing back at her once and a while. The sight of rust and creaking metal made Cece think to herself. 

Her right eyebrow twitch as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "Oh man, not this part." She thought to herself. Now, she just remember this. This ship is the work of a stand. "Are you feeling okay?" A voice made her heart jump. "Mother Fu-!" Cece clutches her shirt, feeling her heart leap at her chest from the surprise. She snaps her head to see who is behind her, Kakyoin. 

"Please don't sneak up on me like that...You almost give me a heart attack." Cece exhales, trying to relax her heart. Kakyoin looks apologetic, making Cece felt guilty. "Sorry, you seem to be irritated with something." He replies. Cece turns to him, shaking her head. "No need to apologize. It's my fault." She glances at Kakyoin to see his expression soften for a moment. Cece pushes her hair behind her ears. "...I..." She tries to form words, "Thanks for what you did back there...It...means a lot." 

Kakyoin saw her cheeks turn pink as she continues talking. "I know, I seem like the bad guy right now but- ugh." She felt like a child trying to form a sentence. It shouldn't be this hard to make some sort of connection but she doesn't want to be on their bad side since she is stuck with them. "Never mind what I say, just ignore me." Cece felt tired from what she is experiencing in this world. She turns her back to him, ready to walk down the ship's deck until Kakyoin spoke up. 

"Your name is Cece, right? The name is Kakyoin, Noriaki. Although, you might know our names already from Dio." 

Cece faces Kakyoin. " Yeah, Dio told me about your names but nice to meet you. My name...don't wear it out." Her poor attempt of a joke made him chuckle under his breath. Cece grips the edge of her uniform shirt as her cheeks felt warmer. At least her bad joke helps her break the ice. It is a bonus for her to hear the male chuckle. Searching something, Cece decides to talk further. Hopefully it will form some type of trust in the future. 

"...I...want you and the others to know that I will answer any question you ask to the best I can when we are in a better situation." Cece spoke up. Kakyoin's eyes widen from her words. Then, he decides to ask her a small question. "I commend you for doing this but it will be hard for others to believe in your word." Cece crosses her arms over her chest. Understandable, she wouldn't believe a stranger's word either. 

"I know, you guys can take my answer with a grain of salt if you want. I...just want you guys to know." Cece's words become quiet. She glances at Kakyoin who is taking her words seriously even if she is a stranger. The silence made Cece hit the tip of her boot against the deck. "If it makes you any better, I want to kick Dio's ass too. Even though, I can't summon my stand..." She mutters. Cece walks past Kakyoin, saying a quiet excuse me to him. For some reason, her heart felt a bit lighter when speaking to him. 

"How adorable!" That familiar voice made her still. Stopping in her tracks, Cece looks up to see everything black and white like an old film. Turning her body behind her, she saw everybody frozen in place. "Over here!" Cece looks behind her to see God standing before with the a wide grin on her face. "It is wonderful to see you being friendly with someone! Making friends is part of the adventure!" God exclaims with sparkling eyes. 

Cece's shoulders sag. Wonderful, another headache is coming soon. "...Why are you here?" She asks. The sooner God left, the better Cece's life will be. The woman forms a childish pout. "How rude! I just want to visit you." Cece simply gives her a blank stare. God's pout disappears then giggles. "So serious! Anyways, I forgot to tell you a few rules." 

"...Rules? Really?" 

"Of course! want to go back home right?" That caught Cece's immediate attention. God mentally smirks at the teenager's reaction. "...What do you want?" Cece broke the silent tension. God approaches Cece, close to her personal space. Being six feet tall, God is a giant compare to Cece's five foot five inch height. Even if she look imitating, Cece won't back down. 

"Easy, you will have an adventure with these men until the very end. All you have to do is to follow the conditions. First one, you will never spoil the storyline to anyone here unless you want to make a different path. Second, you can't tell you are from another dimension. Third, Have fun!" 

"Wait, my stand I want to kno-" Cece spoke up. Suddenly, her head hurts. Closing her eyes, she groans in pain. Opening her eyes, the sight of colors caught her attention as sound travels to her ears. Looking around, she saw everything back to normal. Time has resume once again. Cece grumbles under her breath. She is getting tired of God messing with her. 


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