Gamble my life away~

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Cece sits on the piece of a brick wall as a chair. On her left is Avdol, sitting next to her. Joseph taps his feet against the ground, looking for Jotaro and Polnareff. They don't have to wait long since the both of them walk out of the town. "There you guys are!" Joseph shouts out. They turn to see them. "Ah! Mr. Joestar, Avdol, and Cece!" Polnareff and Jotaro approach them. Joseph begins to lecture the duo for wandering off. "Look who is talking! You're the ones who disappeared!" Polnareff retorts.  

All of them turn to Iggy walking past them. Polnareff questions where the dog was. Cece let out a loud sigh, standing up. "Let's get something to eat. Geeze, I'm even willing to kill someone for some food." The men tense up. For some reason, they believe her words since they see her anger rise. "R-right..." Joseph spoke up. With that, everyone left to find a place to eat. 


With the assistance of Hermit Purple, the photo reveals Dio's location. This piece of information is valuable for the Crusaders as they travel to Cairo by train. They had to travel by car. Their eyes land on the city of Cairo. All of them arrive in a familiar place in the middle of the desert. 

After long hours of searching, they decide to enter the building. All of them stand in a row, facing the owner of this café. The owner stands behind the counter. He turns to them. "Welcome, foreigners. What would you like?" He asks them. Joseph asks for the location from the photo. The man won't speak a word unless they buy something. 

"Five iced teas." Joseph said. With that, the owner pours their glasses of tea. Looking at the photo, the owner simply said he doesn't know. In silence, they gulp down their tea. Cece let out a tired breath. She turns around to see Joseph given back the photos he had passed around in this café. Joseph announces that they are leaving. She follows them until a voice stops them. "I know that building." All of them turned to see a man at the back of the café. "No doubt about it, it's that building." He adds, shuffling the cards in his hand. Cece's eyes widen in realization. Now, they are facing D'Arby.

She had to admit, this is one of her favorite parts of this storyline. "W-was it you who just said that?" Joseph had to make sure if he heard that right. "Yes, I did indeed say that I know where the mansion in that picture is located." D'Arby replies. The others are overjoyed. Cece glances up at Jotaro who is standing at her left. His face display caution towards the man at the table. Joseph had offered money for the building's location but their opponent wants to play a game as he is a gambling man. 

"If you win, I'll tell you where that place is for free." He had thrown two pieces of smoked fish in front of the cat. "Why don't we bet on which smoked fish that cat will eat first?" He suggests. Polnareff takes upon his game, answering that the cat will eat the right one. "Good! Then, I shall wager on the left!" D'Arby replies. Cece crosses her arms over her chest. If only she spoke up then she could say the one on the left. Then again, the cat would take both. Avdol approaches both of them. 

He expresses his idea that this man is an enemy stand user. Jotaro mutters in agreement. Avdol tells him to use Star Platinum if he does anything strange. Just as she thought, the cat took the piece on the left then right. "I win." The gambler announces, "As per our agreement, let's have you pay up." 

"Huh? Pay what?" 

"Your soul."

D'Arby reveals himself as an enemy stand user who steals souls. Their eyes widen to see Polnareff's soul is taken out from his body with a stand. The stand kneads Polnareff's soul like dough then with a clap. His soul turns into a playing chip. "It's a little overdue, but allow me to introduce myself. My name is D'Arby." He spells his name to them. His stand is Osiris. His cat moves to his lap. Avdol grabs D'Arby with anger. D'Arby held up Polnareff's chip to him. "If you attack me, then you want this soul to die?" Avdol tries his best to hold his anger back. Cece decides to intervene by placing her hand on his back. 

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