Big Brain Move

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Kakyoin lead them to a television store. "Mr. Joestar, they have televisions!" He told the others. Finally, Cece is put down by Joseph. "Good idea, Kakyoin." Joseph leads Cece to the televisions display behind the glass. "What are you trying to do?" Polnareff asks. Joseph glances at the French man, "Do you think we were just running away? I'm going to fight the stand that's in her head right now." Polnareff looks at them with shock. Kakyoin looks at Cece with worry on his face. "We only have a few minutes. You'll be assisting us." 

Joseph looks at Cece, "Stay still, I'll be using Hermit Purple for us to see the enemy clearly." He holds up his left hand to summon his stand. Cece takes a deep breath and nods her head, "I know, I trust you guys." Cece left him rest his left hand on top of her right shoulder. His stand moves to wrap itself around her shoulder. His right hand press against the glass. "Hermit Purple!" He forms a connection between Cece and the television. 

The screen turns on to display the Lovers holding one of her many nerves in her head. "There it is!" Kakyoin's face turns pale at the sight. Joseph gasps out in shock. Polnareff couldn't believe there is a tiny stand invading Cece's brain. "How do you plan on defeating it?" He had to ask. Kakyoin told Polnareff that their stand will face the enemy. He is shocked at his idea. Joseph spoke up, "No time to argue, we are in a time limit. " That brought Polnareff back to the main point. 

Cece looks at the both of them, "I will assist in healing with my stand." The three of them agree with her suggestion. She remains still as their stands will deal with the enemy. Suddenly, the feeling of pain shot hit her at her left leg. Cece yelps out, holding herself back from crying out in pain. "Oi! Are you okay?!" Joseph quickly asks. Hissing, Cece felt her leg going numb. "It feels like needles digging into my leg...! My leg is going numb...!" She describes the feeling. The men saw her whole body shaking, struggling to keep herself standing. 

"Focus on the stand, the sooner we deal with this...I could kick that bastard's teeth in." Cece swore under her breath. They nod their head. Kakyoin told the others that they need to go to the brain stem - the nervous system. "Forgive me, Cece for doing this." Kakyoin looks at Cece. She gave him a stern look. "Do what ever you need to do." He nods his head. They use Silver Chariot to cut a wall of a blood vessel to quickly go to the brain stem. 

She heard Joseph cried out his signature "Oh my god!" cry when seeing Silver Chariot cut through the wall of a blood vessel from behind the screen. Cece kept a brave face even though she felt light-headed at the moment. "Ah...!" Cece felt like something scratching her back. "What's wrong?!" Polnareff asks. "I-I feel something scratching my back!" Cece sputters out. They saw her cheeks turn pink and her lips quickly shut together. Her lips quivering. They saw her body shaking. "I...I...I'm ticklish...!" Cece admits with red cheeks. 

Suddenly, she lets out a fit of giggles then a loud laugh left her lips. This attract a small crowd around them. "Quiet down...!" Polnareff told her. Cece felt the scratching still on her back. "Hahahaha! I'm sorry...!" She could only say as she falls into a giggling fit. They are forced to move to a different location with a newly bought television in their possessions. 

Breathing heavily, she is able to catch her breath after her giggling fit. With the time wasted, they have no time to waste. Joseph connects with Cece and the television with the help of Hermit Purple. She sits in front of the television to see the Lovers using its pincers to kneed a part of her brain matter. "Make it painful, guys!" Cece told them. Polnareff took charge of the attack. She watch the scene with baited breath then watches the Lovers hit Silver Chariot. 

Blood left Polnareff's lips from the attack. "Polnareff!" Cece cries out. Summoning Isis, she uses her stand to treat Polnareff's wound. He thanks the young woman. "The stand is using her brain cells to make a dummy...!" Kakyoin shouts out in shock. The enemy mocks them which made them angry. The dummy has created multiples of itself. "What in the world?! He is splitting in two!" Joseph couldn't believe what he is seeing. Cece focuses on the screen to see Hierophant green using emerald splash on the opponent. It only made more versions of itself. 

"Using my brain cells....the nerve of this guy...!" Cece hisses under her breath. She saw the Lovers attack Polnareff again from behind. Quickly, she uses Isis to treat Polnareff's wound. "Don't destroy anymore of the Lovers...! They are like the three headed hydra!" She warns them. They are stuck in a tough situation. "Which one is the real one?" Kakyoin spoke up. Cece looks at the crowd of Lovers who mocks them. 

"Kakyoin, you can figure this out. After all, you are the smartest guy I know." 

Her voice broke the silence. Kakyoin turns to Cece. Her brown eyes shows her emotions to him. Eyes fill with unwavering trust. He remains still, unable to break eye contact with her. Her trust in him brought something within him - confidence. She is placing her trust in someone like him. For a moment, his heart felt the feeling of warmth. "I see." Kakyoin's lips form a smile. From that smile, Cece knew that he is able to deal with this stand. "I did recall the enemy said, 'everything begins once you've acknowledged your own weaknesses'. To know yourself is an important lesson." He uses Hierophant Green's range to find the enemy among the crowd. 

With that, he found the real stand and uses emerald splash to land a hit. "We did it!" Cece cried out with Joseph and Polnareff. She felt relief to see the stand fleeing the scene. "He is trying to get out of Cece's brain!" Kakyoin shouts out, "Mr. Joestar, hurry! Deal with the flesh bud!" Joseph's hands hovering the sides of Cece's head. He inhales a deep breath then uses an old technique from his younger years. "Overdrive!" Gold sparks fly from his fingers to Cece's head. The power of Hamon destroy the flesh bud from her brain. 

A sigh of relief comes out of the men's lips. Suddenly, arms wrap around Kakyoin's neck. His eyes widen to see Cece in close proximity to him. Warmth emits from his cheeks when Cece peck his left cheek with her lips. She pulls away to make eye contact with him. "You beautiful red-haired man!" She exclaims without hesitation. Joseph and Polnareff's eyes widen at the sight. Before Kakyoin could breathe, Cece moves from him to hug both men in appreciation. Their cheeks turn pink when Cece gives them a huge thank you. Kakyoin touches his left cheek, shocked at what just happened.

Suddenly, Cece runs down the stairs. "NOW, I'M GOING TO KICK HIS TEETH IN!" She told them. "Cece!" Joseph shouts out. He quickly chases after Cece. Polnareff is about to chase after the both of them then stops. "Kakyoin, we have to go!" He shouts out. Kakyoin broke out of his stupor. He turns to Polnareff. "R-right!" He answers back. The red-haired student need to calm down his beating heart from slamming against his chest. 


She met up with Jotaro, he look worse than she thought. He is beaten down. Cece stops in front of him. "Jotaro." She broke the silence. In response, Jotaro tilts his hat to cover his eye from her view. "I'm fine." He only said. That made Cece frown at him. "Don't lie to me, besides I'm the healer of this group!" She approaches Jotaro to summon Isis, "I won't take no as an answer either...I owe you guys a lot for saving me. Thank you..." Cece made sure to leave no arguments. "Yare Yare Daze..." He broke the silence, "You call us your you don't owe us anything." She lifts her head to display shock. Seeing him avoiding eye contact, Cece's lips form a tiny smile. 

"Yeah, all of you are my friends..." She spoke in a soft voice. She is glad that he doesn't reject her help. In response, Jotaro let out a small huff as she heals his wounds from Steely Dan. Finishing in healing Jotaro, Cece asks if there is anything else wrong. Jotaro simply told her that he is fine. 

The rest of them meet up with them. Cece sheepishly smiles at Joseph who lectures her not to run off like that. Other than that, they are relieved that Cece is saved from the enemy and the flesh bud. Kakyoin saw her mood brighten which brought a smile to his face. Kakyoin break away eye contact from the young woman for the day, attempting to make sense what just happened to him. Every time he remembers that moment, it makes his cheeks heat up. 


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