Geb out of here!

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Cece's smile brightens up as she is able to drive their new car. Seeing there is no law on the desert, she is able to drive to her heart content. "Don't drive too crazy, Cece." Joseph warns the young woman. "Got it! How much longer until our stop?" She asks. "Not too far, 1 mile left." Cece press on the gas to speed up. Arriving to their destination, she stops the car and park it. They get out of the car to wait for their help to arrive. 

They look up when hearing the helicopter flying over their heads. "There it is." Joseph smiles at the sight, "That's a helicopter from the Speedwagon Foundation." Slowly the helicopter lands a few steps away from them. They cover their faces from the sand flying at them. Jotaro grumbles, asking if they have to ride that thing. Joseph reassures them that they are not going to ride it. "Then, why is that helicopter here?" Kakyoin asks. Cece holds back a smile, knowing who is on board. "They've brought us someone to help us." 

"Seriously, a helper?"

"Well, he has a few personality issues, so it's taken a while to get him here." 

Avdol looks at Joseph in disbelief. "It's impossible for him to come with us on this trip! There is no way he could be helpful." Cece decides to jump in the conversation. "Come on, he can't be that bad. Any help will give us a better chance against Dio." She tries to be optimistic but she knows how rough around the edges this dog is. Let's hope she can form a relationship with Iggy this early. Kakyoin had to agree, "Do you know him, Avdol?" Avdol looks at both of them with a worried expression on his face. "Yes...very well." 

"Hold on. If he is a helper then he is a stand user, right?" 

Joseph answers that he is the stand user of the Fool. Polnareff chuckles at his answer. Avdol shakes his head, "Be lucky that he is not our enemy. You wouldn't be able to defeat him." Polnareff doesn't take that comment lightly. Cece decides to intervene by moving between them and push them apart. "That's enough both of you! Do we have to have a talk to talk again?" She threatens them. Polnareff and Avdol stops which she smiles at the both of them. "I don't think so." She left her spot to join the others. 

All of them are silent as the driver's door opens to reveal two members of the Speedwagon Foundation. The pilot steps out to greet Joseph. "So, who is the stand user?" Jotaro asks the both of them. Both employees gestures to the closed door behind them. "He is in the back seat." Pulling the back door back, they saw no one at the back. "I don't see anyone there." Jotaro spoke up. 

"No, he is there." 

Polnareff steps towards the back seat with a smirk. "You say he is there but where is he?" He spoke up, "Get the hell out there! Come on!" He reaches in to pat the back seat. Cece blinks when seeing Iggy's spit stretch between Polnareff's hand and the back seat. "Please stop! The ride was rough, so he is in a really bad mood." The worker warned him. Joseph joins in, warning him not to make the user mad. "...Well, they did warn him." Cece spoke up which reach Jotaro and Kakyoin's ears. 

"Yare Yare Daze."

"That is true." 

After finishing their sentence, someone come out from the blankets to charge at Polnareff. "Woah!" The Boston terrier begins attacking Polnareff. "That is...!" Jotaro is shocked. Kakyoin shares Jotaro's shock. Between them is Cece who looks at the scene with sparkling eyes. "A dog?!" The three of them shouts out. Joseph nods his head while Iggy begins tearing into Polnareff's hair. "Yes, he is the Fool Stand's user. His name is Iggy. He loves to tear our human hair by the mouthful. We don't know where he was born." Joseph explains, "The dog catchers in New York couldn't get him. Avdol was able to find and finally capture him." Cece and the others watch Iggy fart in Polnareff's face. 

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