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"We're about to cross India." Joseph spoke up, "-Well, I'm a little worried." Cece blankly stares at the older man as he spoke what he thought about India from his imagination. Polnareff spoke about how worried he will have to deal with culture shock when arriving there. Avdol chuckles at their thoughts. "Don't worry. It is a nice country, where simple people live." He reassures them. Their boat come to shore for all them to step foot on India. 

Avdol opens the door for them, welcoming them to Calcutta. The moment they step foot on land, a large crowd of people surround them like vultures. Many voices and sounds rang in their ears. She press between Kakyoin and Joseph. Sweat rolls down her face, pale as a ghost. "Miss Miss! Want some jewelry?! It will look beautiful on you!" One of them shouts at Cece. She heard Polnareff shout out that he steps on some cow poop. Cece is able to steal back Kakyoin's wallet before it disappears to the crowd. "Ahhhh! Let me out of here!" Cece cried out. In the midst of the crowd, Avdol laughs out loud from their reaction. 


"Ugh..." Cece's face plants on the edge of the table. Dealing with that crowd felt like she run a marathon. Joseph gave Cece a look of sympathy. "Never again." Cece thought to herself. Slowly lifting her head to face them, she held up Kakyoin's wallet. "Oh yeah. Here, I was lucky to take it back." Kakyoin thanks Cece with a smile then put his wallet away. Avdol let out a laugh, "Drink some Chai tea. It will make you feel better." 

Cece lifts the tea cup from the saucer to take a sip. Joseph breathes out a sigh of relief, "At last, a little peace." Cece agrees with Joseph. "Once you get use to it, you'll see how wonderful this country is." Avdol said. Cece wonders if Jotaro is sane since he agrees with Avdol. "...I prefer a peaceful place." Cece joins the conversation. Joseph agrees with the teen. She still drinks her chai tea. Finishing her cup, she wants another cup. Refilling her cup with chai, Cece leans to Kakyoin's side to read the menu. "Anything caught your eye?" Cece asks. Kakyoin shakes his head. Polnareff decides to use the bathroom, leaving the choice of food to them. 

"Which means we can pick anything. Let's see, something he'll like..." Kakyoin spoke up. Cece giggles under her breath, "It's his fault for not tell us what he preferred. Kakyoin, order him the spiciest dish they have." He gave a small smile when Cece said it was a joke after her sentence. "A jokester, huh?" He teases. Cece took a sip from her Chai tea. "I just want to lighten up the mood since I like putting smiles on people faces." She mutters under breath. 

The others caught her words. It seems her words put a little energy in the room. With a smile, Kakyoin orders for the rest of the group. It didn't take long for their food to be at the table. Cece almost drools at the sight. They took a couple bites until Polnareff ran back to them. "Stand! Where is the user? Who is it?! The man with two right hands!" Polnareff shouts out. He runs out of the restaurant with determination on his face.

Cece and the others follow the Frenchman. Joseph asks what's wrong. Polnareff's hands form into tight fists. "He is finally here. Jotaro, the stand user you heard about. The one that uses mirrors is here! The bastard that killed my little sister!" The sound of his voice brought a chill down her spine. 

The enemy with two right hands is here and Cece is not ready to face him. Polnareff turns to them, announcing that he will be traveling on his own now. "That's idiotic! Going after him on your own means a death wish!" Cece thought to herself. Without Kakyoin and Avdol's help, Polnareff would have died in here. Kakyoin spoke up, "Even you don't know what he looks like or what his stand is?" 

"Knowing that he has two right hands is plenty!" 

Cece almost facepalm right there. "That makes no sense! You are just asking to be killed!" She couldn't help but speak up. Polnareff's eyes narrow. "I don't care as long I get my revenge." There is no logic to his mindset. She almost throws her hands up, there is no use talking to this revenge driven man. 

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