How Embarrassing!

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Like always, Jotaro made quick work of Geb's user with the assistance of Iggy. Cece and the group are able to fix the car's tires to drive to the city of Aswan. Finding the hospital, Joseph had called the Speedwagon Foundation's doctor to check on Kakyoin's eye sight. Mentally, Cece hopes that she didn't screw up Kakyoin's eye sight. She doesn't know what she will do if she ruin those chances. 


"How are those two doing?" Polnareff walk along the group. The only ones that aren't here with them is Kakyoin and Cece. Avdol touches the side of his neck where Geb's sliced before. "Fortunately, I'm checked out fine. Thanks to Isis' healing abilities." Avdol answers. Checking with a doctor, he had a clean bill of health. "For Kakyoin, his injuries are serious since there is a chance he will go blind. We have the doctors check on him since Isis took over the healing process." Joseph adds, "We'll have to wait for the doctors' diagnoses." Polnareff let out a deep sigh, looking up at the sky. "I'm worried. She might blame herself if anything goes wrong." Avdol had to say. 

Despite the circumstances, Cece had done her best to help all of them. The mood become somber when remembering the young woman insisting she will stay by Kakyoin's side while they went out. "Poor girl." Joseph thought to himself. Anyone with eyes could see how close they become since the beginning. Their growing relationship is nothing to scoff at. 

To push back the somber feeling, Polnareff suggest they try out a café and relax. Joseph's lips curl up to a small smile. "That's fine." They will find something for the two of them to eat after their trip. Little did they know, they are facing the two brothers Oingo and Boingo's unfortunate adventure. 


Cece sat patiently in her seat with a magazine in her hands. At least she doesn't have to wait in the waiting room. With Joseph's connections, she is able to stay by Kakyoin's bedside in his hospital room. "Are you feeling comfortable, Kakyoin?" She asks him. Kakyoin gave her a smile, reassuring her that he is fine. The sight of his bandages around his eyes made Cece worried. The doctor already gave Kakyoin a check-up for his eyes. From what she is told, his eyes seem fine but they would like to keep him here to check on his vision. 

"Do you need anything to drink then?" Cece asks once again. He chuckles at her fretting. Kakyoin had to admit, her fretting is quite adorable. "Don't worry, I'll tell you if I need anything." He eases her worries. "All right then..." Cece whispers under her breath. After a few seconds of silence, Kakyoin speaks in a soft voice. "If you don't mind, would you lend me your right hand for a moment?" Cece looks at him with confusion but rests her right hand on top of his waiting palm. 

In response, Kakyoin wraps his hand around hers. Cece tense up to look at him. She could see his cheeks turn red. "S-sorry, I feel a bit selfish right now. You can pull away if you wanted too." Kakyoin broke the silence. Cece knows he can't see now but her head instinctually turns away from him to hide her pink cheeks. Her heart beats a bit faster. "'s good to be to be a bit selfish once in a while." Cece said in a low voice. 

She can't be close to him...

The story...

The end...he...

No, she doesn't want to think about it now. Right now, she wants to remember this moment. 

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