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Finally, Cece is able to convince Kakyoin to put her down when they arrive to town. She looks away from the teenager, muttering a thank you. Kakyoin saw her cheeks pink. She walks away from them, the others follow her as they walk through the dirt road. Standing between the men, Cece heard Hol Horse's voice. "Hold it!" He calls out to them. Cece and the others simply glances at him. "I finally caught up with you." Summoning his gun, he points it at them. Not caring what he will do or say, they turn their back to him. "If you're gonna run, run like your lives depend on it. Right, Mr. Centerfold." Shooting his bullet, it hits the pot of water next to one stall. 

They turn to face the cowboy. Compare to Centerfold, Hol Horse is like a yapping chihuahua. Cece gave him a blank stare. "Better say your prayers. Your lives end here! So act like this is the end and come at us!" Shooting at a couple windows, glass fell in front of them. Cece folds her arms over her chest. Crushing the glass piece, Polnareff looks at them. They could see Hol Horse's confidence wavering. "I don't think he's listening anymore." Polnareff spoke up, standing in front of Cece and Kakyoin. 

"He is busy right now since he is being sentenced in Hell." 

The cowboy begins to deny Polnareff's statement. "Don't try to pull that nonsense! Bluffing won't work on me!" Cece let out a sigh then glances at Kakyoin. "How long will it take Shit Horse to realize that he is alone?" She spoke out loud for Hol Horse to hear. "S-Shit horse?! There is no way he is defeated! Even I don't stand a chance against the invincible Hanged man!" He chuckles under his breath. 

"Shit Horse isn't really bright, isn't he?" 

Polnareff points to the direction behind Hol Horse, "That piece of shit's body is about two or three thousand meters that way. Want to take a look?" With that, Hol Horse haul ass from them. "Hey, you're running away!?" Polnareff shouts out, chasing after Hol Horse. Cece and Kakyoin quickly follow. "What you expect Polnareff? He is Shit Horse!" She spoke up. Kakyoin let out a chuckle, "You are sticking to that name?" 

"Of course, he is shit like Centerfold! Shits stick together." 

At the corner, Hol Horse fell back. Jotaro and Joseph come to the scene. "Mr. Joestar! Jotaro!" Kakyoin felt relief seeing them. With serious faces, Joseph told them that they know about Avdol. "Though it was a simple funeral, his body has been buried." Cece let out a breath. They turn their attention to the enemy who is responsible for Avdol's 'death'. 

"What shall we do with him?" 

"I'll give him his sentence." Polnareff take a step towards Hol Horse, summoning his stand. Before he laid judgment again, a woman tackles him out of no where. "Please run, Hol Horse!" The woman cries out, pleading to him to run away. "Oh hell no!" Cece shout out when seeing Hol Horse fleeing the scene on a horse. Her eyes lands on a baseball next to one stall. "Thank you baby! I'm running away because I love you, baby!" He shouts out with joy on his face. 

Grabbing the baseball from the stall, Cece position herself to throw the ball. "Don't screw this up!" She told herself. "HEY, SHIT HORSE!" Cece shouts out, "FALL OFF YOUR HORSE!" With all of her strength, she threw the baseball. As if lady luck is on her side, the baseball hits the back of his head. "Oh my god!" Joseph howls out. Kakyoin whistles at the throw, impressed by it. Jotaro wonders what kind of arm she has to throw like that. The force of her throw and the weight of the ball made Hol Horse fell off his horse. Sadly, she didn't stop him as the horse's bridle wrap around his left ankle dragging the man across the ground. All they heard is Hol Horse's painful shouts in the distance.

Clicking her tongue, she was hoping the horse trample him for Avdol. Turning to the men, Cece saw Polnareff had drag the woman across the ground. She watches Joseph wrap up the woman's left elbow with a clean rag. She decides to keep her distance from the woman as she knew the woman is a stand user. Cece slowly move to stand beside Jotaro. "We have to hurry ahead." Joseph spoke up in a quiet voice. Polnareff breathes out then tells them they should hurry up and get to Egypt. With that they start walking to take the bus. "If that woman comes near me with that stand, I'll punch her teeth out." Cece silently swore to herself. 

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