Death 13's Nightmare

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Surviving the crash, Joseph is able to start a fire for all of them to make camp. Jotaro grabs the group's sleeping bags from the crash. Polnareff was tasked to collecting firewood for feeding the flames. He approaches Joseph to ask if he has enough. Joseph thanks him. "We survived, but..." Polnareff's eyes lands on Kakyoin who is sitting in silence. "Kakyoin, what is going on? This was your fault." The red-haired student simply said that he doesn't know since he had a terrifying dream. "When I woke up, I feel dead tired. Is there something wrong with me?" Kakyoin asks out loud. His eyes lands on Cece laying on one of the sleeping bag. Next to the young woman is the baby in the basket. 

Since the crash, they aren't able to wake up the young woman. It was chaotic to find the young woman unresponsive to their calls. They feared the worst until they saw Cece's chest move to tell them that she is breathing. When they moved her from the crash, Cece has a bruise on her cheek from Kakyoin's punch. They found nothing else wrong with her since they saw no visible wounds or bruises. Joseph could only say that she is knocked out cold from the crash and using her stand's barrier to protect them. 

What surprised them is a light barrier around her figure, her stand is still activated despite sleeping. Polnareff saw guilt on Kakyoin's face. "Cheer up. I'm sure you're just too tired." Joseph spoke up, "It's been a month since we left Japan and the enemy has been attacking us nonstop ever since." Jotaro approaches Cece and the baby. He looks at the baby who is cooing. "Looks like his fever is down." He comments. Joseph left his spot to approach the baby. "Thank goodness he is safe." He smiles at the baby. Polnareff glances at Cece. 

"Do you think her stand played a part of this?" 

"It might be possible." Joseph answers, stopping playing peek-a-boo with the baby. "We don't know the details of her stand. It is still a bit of a mystery." Jotaro calls for his grandfather, suggesting to use the radio since it is still in one piece. "It can't be helped. Let's call for rescue." Joseph left his spot to approach the Cessna. Kakyoin rubs his left arm. Then, he lifts up his arm to see blood on his wrist. 

Kakyoin pulls out his handkerchief. He looks at the handkerchief with a frown on his face. He held the item tightly. It was just recently she give back his handkerchief. It is quiet without the young woman around. Shaking his head, he begins to clean the blood on his wrist and hand. His blood turns cold when he pulls back his sleeve to reveal the word 'Baby Stand' cut into his arm. "Baby...stand?" Kakyoin reads the words, "What does that mean? I can't remember." Many questions form in his head. Pulling out his small knife from his pocket, he saw no blood on it. 

"Did I forget something really important?" 

A few steps from his spot, the baby glances at Kakyoin. "Damn it, I heard they were clever..." He thought to himself. To think, Kakyoin is able to carve out the words while he was in his dream state. He quickly looks away when Kakyoin looks up. Kakyoin's mind clicks in an instant. 

This baby is a stand user!

He picks up the baby from the basket by his baby bib. Instantly, the baby cries out in distress. Joseph quickly took the baby from Kakyoin's hands. "You could have strangle him doing that. What's wrong with you?" He questions the teenager. Kakyoin mutters out an apology, rolling down his sleeve to hide his cut. He felt alone, dealing with this mental struggle by himself. 

The baby smirks to himself in victory. Suddenly, he felt pain on his back. It felt like he slammed against a wall. "What is going on?!" He thought to himself. His mind clicks then turns to Cece who is still stuck in her dreams. 

"Don't tell me!" 


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