Time to kill a Vampire!

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Three or four days left for them to save Holly. They have no luck finding the building from the photograph. Cece and the others left Polnareff for a moment. They come back to find Polnareff yelling at a beggar. Avdol shouts at the French man to get up and give the money to him. He apologizes for Polnareff since he doesn't know much of the city. "You could have say something." Polnareff said. The beggar explains that he can't speak in public for professional reasons. 

"This city has a beggars' association. Each of them has an established territory." Avdol explains. The beggar stood up from his spot, commenting that Avdol looks familiar. Avdol's reputation seems to be well known around here. He offers the beggar a job - to locate the building where Dio resides. In addition, Avdol would pay well for his efforts. Cece blinks to see the man throws off his rags from his body to reveal a well-kept suit. 

The man walks away, declaring he is done with work today. He stood besides an expensive car. "I can find the place from that picture in three hours." He told them to wait here. The man left the scene. Polnareff looks around. "Where did Iggy go, anyway?" He had to ask. The others reply that Iggy is gone somewhere - possibly to find something to eat or entertain himself in some way. In the back of her mind, Cece knew she should have kept an eye on Iggy so she can assist him in defeating Pet Shop. Sadly, the dog is notorious for disappearing on them.

"I'm worried. We should look for Iggy since we are on enemy territory." Cece suggests. The others seem to agree. "But we have to stay here for the man to come back." Joseph mutters under his breath. Cece looks down at her boots, studying the details even down to the fiber on her shoelace. The time went by for all of them. 

The man didn't come back the whole time...

Cece knows he died finding the building where Dio resides. 


The early hours of the morning, they decide to look for Iggy throughout the streets. Cece kept her eyes out for any signs of black and white fur. It has been a while since the search. Polnareff is worried for the wild dog like the others. "Where the hell did he go?" He spoke up. Joseph wonders where he is. "We'll find him.." Cece spoke up, hoping to lift up their spirits. Jotaro stops to look behind him. Cece and the others stop when seeing his expression turn serious. "Is someone following us?" Avdol asks. 

"No, I thought I heard a voice calling for us." 

Walking from the corner of one building, Iggy shows himself. He looks worst for wear, limping instead of walking. "Iggy!" Polnareff is the first one to run towards Iggy. Avdol and the others run to the dog to see his missing left foot. "What the world had happened?" Avdol asks why he is like this. Cece picks up Iggy in her arms to make him rest on his back. "Hey, he is missing a front leg...!" Polnareff exclaims. Cece looks down at Iggy with a sad expression on her face. She silently praises the dog. "I can help with the pain and speed up the healing process on his wounds." Cece spoke up. 

"Please." Joseph said. With permission, she summons Isis by her side. Covering the Iggy in a soft sea green glow, Cece begins her healing process. While she works on healing, her eyes lands on his missing paw. "Can I do something about missing limbs?" She thought to herself. Shaking her head, she can't do that...


She doesn't know the limit of her stand...maybe she can try. 

In the midst of her dilemma, Cece glances at her stand. "Can you do anything about it, Isis?" She silently asks her stand. Isis turns her head to make eye contact with her user. Words echoes in her head. 

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