Double Tap!

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Cece and her group remain outside. Ten minutes had passed. She is defiantly cursed with bad luck when Avdol made a decision. "Instead of burning the mansion, let us enter." Avdol declares. Cece mentally cries out why.

Avdol told Polnareff and Iggy that they will be on their own if they are severely hurt. It is cold to think about it but they need to defeat Dio. He turns to Cece. "Cece, promise me that you will leave this place if all of us are in extreme danger or separated from you. Lord Dio seems to want you the most." Avdol told her. Cece looks at all of them who seems to agree with him. "I..." 

"You must think of your safety first, all of you." 

She grips the end of her top when Polnareff agrees with Avdol. "If we get out of here alive, you'd better treat me to a fancy dinner." Polnareff made Avdol promise. He even includes Cece and Iggy in this promise. "All right, Let's go in." Polnareff declares.  With a breath, she calms her mind to speak up. "Before we enter, I want to use Isis' barrier as extra protection." They nod their heads. With a breath, Cece forms their barriers as s second skin for all of them. Hopefully, it will help them against Vanilla Ice.

Polnareff thanks the young woman to summon his stand, taking the lead inside. Cece stays close to Iggy. They hide behind stone pillars to check for any signs of the enemy. Avdol summons his stand to create a flame compass to detect lifeforms. "It can sense breathing, respiration, and sense another stand's energy." Avdol told them. She stays close to Avdol, to be ready for an ambush. The memory of Avdol's separate arms haunts the young woman. 

The flames guide them down the stairs. Flames from the left and front of them come to life. Instantly, Iggy summons his stand to attack the pillar on their left. The pillar reveals an enemy hiding as he fell on the floor. The illusion disappears to tell them that man is responsible for the illusion. Iggy and Polnareff took the lead, leaving Avdol and Cece behind the group. His hand rests on the pillar. A sudden chill runs down her spine. Her mind tells her to move. 

He is here!

Without any hesitation, Cece grabs Avdol and pulls him away from the pillar. "Isis!" She cries out as she uses her barrier to push all of them forward. They land on the ground, away from Vanilla Ice's stand. The men and the dog look at the stand with shock. Polnareff broke the silence to look at them. 

"Why didn't his flames sense him?! Iggy, you couldn't smell him with your nose-" 

A loud shout made them turn to Cece kneeling on the ground with her back to them. Blood fell on the floor as their eyes lands on her bloody left arm. Her right hand clutches her bloody arm. "W-what...?" Avdol saw her lower left sleeve ripped off.  

"You know where I was..." Vanilla Ice's voice echoes from his stand. They look up to see the stand, Creme holding a separate left hand and lower arm. Cece holds in her pain to glare at Vanilla Ice who is holding her bloody limb like a trophy. "Your arm will be disintegrated. I don't know where the voice inside my mouth leads but it is a dimension of darkness. If you aren't in my way then, this won't happen to you..." Vanilla Ice spoke up, "No matter, Lord Dio just wanted you alive." Creme moves towards them.

"I must correct your arrogant belief that you can defeat Lord Dio." He declares. Cece could almost laugh at  Vanilla Ice even mentioning a bit of his stand's power. With that, Cece just watches Vanilla's stand ate her arm like it was candy. They turn to Cece who breathes heavily. A sea-green glow wraps her bloody stump to stop the bleeding and the pain. 

"Is this...a payment for bringing back Iggy's arm?" She thought to herself. Cece had to shake her head to focus on dealing with Vanilla Ice. "I'm fine. I'm fucking fantastic." She spoke up to reassure the others. They saw her expression turn from a look of fear to anger. "I can't wait to fucken pay him back for my arm." She mutters her breath. 

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