I Hate Magnets!

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Luxor, a city about halfway up the Nile. They stop by the ancient tomb in the Valley of the Kings. "That place is pretty historical." Polnareff comments. Avdol tells them a bit more of the city to the rest of them. Cece and the others had to wait for Joseph since he needs to use the restroom. She thought she heard Joseph's famous line. It sounds like he found the famous desert restroom. "Something wrong?" Jotaro looks down at Cece. She shakes her head, "I thought I heard something but it is probably the wind." 

"Or you miss a certain someone?" Cece tense up and looks next to her, seeing Polnareff at eye level. "Eh?!" Cece pulls back from Polnareff, "What are you talking about?" The French man has a sly smile on his face at the sight of Cece's pink cheeks. His arm found itself around her shoulders. "You know, I heard that the absence of a person makes the heart grow fonder! Don't worry your pretty head, he will back soon~" Cece's jaws lock together. He saw her cheeks becoming red. "Oi, Jotaro! Look at her cheeks, they are glowing red!" He calls for the younger Joestar. 

"I don't need to deal with this! I'm going to the car!" Cece pulls herself away from his arm to walk away. Polnareff laughs at the sight, "The longer you deny, the more the heart wants!" He turns to Jotaro. "She totally likes Kakyoin." The younger Joestar shakes his head. "Isn't that obvious? If only Kakyoin have some balls and confess already." 


Avdol, Joseph, and Iggy returns to them. "Did something happen?" He had to ask when seeing a wide smile on Polnareff's face. "Just reminding Cece something." He only said. The men walk back to the car to see Cece avoid looking at them. The sight of her frown and red cheeks tells them what they need to know. Polnareff had teased the healer of the missing teenager. 


To lift her mood, they stop at a café for something to drink. Ordering ice cold cola for all of them, Cece uncaps hers with a bottle opener. She gulps down half of her soda. Her ears caught the sound of static from the radio. "Oh right...Bastet is here." Cece thought, looking at the bottle cap moving to Joseph's arm. "We can make it to Cairo in two days, but we need rest." Avdol suggests, "Why don't we spend tonight and tomorrow in Luxor to take a break?"  

Polnareff voices up in agreement. He points to Cece chugging the rest of her soda. "She needs it since she had been using Isis on us- What's wrong, Mr. Joestar?" He saw that Joseph is looking at his metal hand. "My prosthetic hand has been acting up. Well, I'm sure the joints just need oiling." Cece saw Joseph remove the bottle cap from his metal hand. "Well, it has begun." She thought to herself. Joseph finally agrees to Avdol's plan for them to recover. "But we need to keep our guards up." He adds. Standing up from his seat, all of them follow him to find a hotel to stay at. Walking past the man, the magnetic pull cause the nails and hammer to react. Cece stops to see Avdol caught the hammer before it hits Joseph at the back of his head. 

"That was close." Cece breathes out a sigh of relief. Polnareff told the man to be careful next time. As Joseph is far away from the man, Isis mends his wounds to stop the bleeding. She brought the hammer back to the man. "Cece, Hurry up!" Polnareff calls for the young woman. Cece quickly runs after them to catch up with them. 


Cece's eyes snap open when hearing loud banging from the other side of the door. Sitting up in her bed, a groan left her lips. "I'm coming, I'm coming..." She grumbles out loud to leave the bed. She approach the door to open it. In front of the door is Polnareff and Jotaro, ready to go out. "Rise and shine, my messy haired friend! Ready to go out and eat?" Polnareff greets the young woman. "What time is it...?" Cece mumbles. 

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