Justice has been served!

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Cece moves away from the window to sit in the middle of Polnareff and Kakyoin. With a breath, Cece felt a bit better with cursing at the cowboy wannabe. Polnareff broke the silence, "S-sorry, Kakyoin...Cece...I thought I didn't care if I died so long as I could avenge my sister." He mentions how Avdol had felt and swore he will keep living. The others look at him. Kakyoin's eyes narrow. "Do you really understand?" He asks. Polnareff replies with a yes. 

"Cece, do you mind ducking for a second?" 

She isn't need to be told twice. In a second, she ducks down low to avoid Kakyoin driving his elbow into Polnareff's face. She sits up to see Kakyoin's work. A quiet hiss left her lips when seeing blood spurting from his nose. "Take this instead of a handshake as proof that we've made up." Kakyoin declares. They drive out of town, far away from civilization now. Polnareff mentions that his weapon has no effect on Centerfold even if the mirror breaks.

"How am I supposed to attack him if he is in some kind of mirror world?" 

"Maybe there is a way to beat him, we just need to know how." Cece suggests. She tries hard to withdraw information that would help them this early on. Kakyoin doesn't believe there is a mirror world which made her snort in silence. "Okay then...explain part 5..." She thought to herself. "What are you talking about?! You saw it too!" Polnareff protests. 

She mentally thanks Kakyoin's intelligence as he explains that it is just a reflection created by light. Suddenly a flash of light caught her eye from the steering wheel. Kakyoin quickly shouts out that the stand is here with them by the reflection of the steering wheel. "AHHH!" Cece held her head down to avoid broken glass from hitting her face. The truck spins wildly and flips in the air. "ISIS!" She couldn't help by cried out. Her hands grabbing both Kakyoin and Polnareff's arms. Something forms around them, a light green screen barrier. 

"This is-!" 

She found herself landing on her stomach, one feet from the fallen truck. The barrier breaks apart to reveal she has light bruises on her hands, right cheek, and legs. The barrier that forms around the others disappear also. Cece groans and lifts her face up from the ground to see the crash. She breathes heavily when feeling the pain subsides. "Shit...that works." She thought. 

"A-are you okay, guys?" Polnareff spoke up. 

"Just my chest hurts..." 

"I'm...good..." Cece groans out. Instantly, they saw light moving from other object to another. Kakyoin pulls himself out of the truck. "...Your stand really saved us, Cece." The Frenchman comments. Cece let out a tired sigh, "We...are lucky that I can do that..." Polnareff saw light traveling from the glass pieces to the bumper of the truck. He quickly uses his stand to cut down the metal bumper of the truck. "Get away from anything reflective!" He shouts out. All of them run to hide behind a large rock. Breathing heavily, Cece felt her own sweat roll down her face. "He is going mirror to mirror!" Polnareff told them. Now the men figure out that the stand is light itself. "Don't go near anything that's reflective." 

Instantly, Cece cries out. "We got stuff that is reflective!" She told them. They quickly takes off anything reflective such as Polnareff's earrings and Kakyoin's uniform pins from their bodies. Cece unclips her hair pin that held up her hair from her face down on the ground. A boy comes up to them, asking they need help. The men told him that it is dangerous here. Ignoring the warning, the boy continues to ask. Cece and the others saw something reflecting on the boy's eyes. "DON'T LOOK AT US!" Polnareff shouts at him. With a mocking tone, Centerfold asks if he is willing to stab out a boy's eye out. 

"Polnareff!" Kakyoin yells out to see hand marks on Polnareff's neck. Cece tries to hold back her emotions from surfacing. Polnareff summons his stand and quickly kick up the dirt to the boy's eyes. At the split moment, his stand cuts down the light shooting from the boy's eye. Now the stand is in Polnareff's eye. A loud screech caught their ears. "His real body is over there!" They run to the direction of a ruin. 

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